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Mullen says STFU


Well put. A few of us were just talking about this and how difficult it was to keep our opinions to ourselves in different poli-sci courses in school.

Difficult, but important to do so. Our oath doesn't change with the change of the Commander in Chief.


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
Yet somehow, half the clowns on this site can't figure that simple fact out.


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
I thought we were allowed to be involved in politics as much as we'd like - so long as we don't do it in uniform or in our capacity as military members. At least that's the way I understood it. I didn't see but snippets of Mullen's letter so I'm not sure what level of detail he goes into.

I agree though, that we need to STFU and color when told to do so. Your political feelings are 100% moot when you're executing the mission and when you're given orders, no doubt. I agree 100% that the military MUST remain apolitical.

As the command VAO I encourage people to be involved in the political system, so long as they do it on their own time and do not represent themselves as a military member in support of candidate X. People should understand the candidates and the issues. Attaining a greater level of political understanding/awareness means that when they cast their votes (or that they even vote to begin with) it is with at least some consideration of the candidates are and how they stand.

I need to see all ADM Mullen's letter to really get a read for what he was getting at. The news snippets don't paint it in enough detail.


Registered User
Admiral Mullen's warning to service members

With today's hyper-charged political climate, Adm. Mullen admonishes military personnel to stay neutral during the campaign in an open letter. I'll be the first to admit that it will be very difficult to stay out of the rancor this time, but I'll do my best to keep my big mouth shut. Does this mean I need to change avatars?



Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
Same here. In college I wrote for my school's conservative/libertarian paper and there was one point in one of my articles (because I touched on military policy) my editor wanted me to identify myself as a midshipman. Obviously I told her I couldn't do that, but while in civilian clothes I feel every right to express myself, as long as I don't identify myself.

It did drive me nuts, however, because a few people in my battalion didn't remove political pins from their backpacks and such that they carried when they were in uniform. That was crossing the line IMO.

I think the moral of the story is, like pretty much everything in the military, don't be a dumbass and use common sense.


If you gotta problem, yo, I'll be part of it.
Now, I'll follow the orders, and then sit by patiently awaiting the day when someone reinforces the notion that the senior leadership of the US Military are THE subject matter experts when it comes to implementation by force of the policy decisions made by the civilian leadership.

We'll take the high road, then be burned b/c we're the only ones on it.


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
That's all? Where is the pic? Seems a little thin to me.......
I've seen the pic. Sorry, not spending Memorial Day finding his pic but it exists. If you want to see one of him with a rubber ducky......


  • 01-sestak_admiral_001.jpg
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Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
Agree...that does seem thin.

I wonder what type of parade it was, and how the literature was distributed. That web site looks like a bunch of axe-grinders grousing.

There are quite a few folks I know who want to stuff envelopes, go door to door, and answer phones for candidates. Sadly (for them), they will have to wait until they are no longer wearing the uniform. Oh well.