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Mullen says STFU


Our oath doesn't change with the change of the Commander in Chief.

I guess this guy didn't read the article.....


Well-Known Member
I got a letter in the mail from an Army Reserve Colonel who was running for Congress or Senate and all of his official campaign images and information were in uniform and military-related. I wondered if his status as a reservist changed the rules, but it still made me pretty uncomfortable. Far be it for me (O-1) to pass judgment on an O-6 on UCMJ matters... but it just seemed a little sketchy.

If anyone can offer some clarification/confirmation that would be great. Thanks!


Far be it for me (O-1) to pass judgment on an O-6 on UCMJ matters... but it just seemed a little sketchy.

If it walks like a duck...

Bit of advice...Don't be afraid to call a spade a spade...ever. Do it appropriately, and support your conclusions...but just because you are an Ensign(not an O-1) doesn't mean you aren't right. It's your job as much, or even more than the next guy.


If you gotta problem, yo, I'll be part of it.
If it walks like a duck...

Bit of advice...Don't be afraid to call a spade a spade...ever. Do it appropriately, and support your conclusions...but just because you are an Ensign(not an O-1) doesn't mean you aren't right. It's your job as much, or even more than the next guy.
Great advice. Just make sure you do your homework first.


Registered User
Well put. A few of us were just talking about this and how difficult it was to keep our opinions to ourselves in different poli-sci courses in school.

Difficult, but important to do so. Our oath doesn't change with the change of the Commander in Chief.

Failure to read for content can be a very dangerous thing.

Midshipmen in college are not on active duty and therefore participation in a discussion in a college poli-sci class does not come anywhere close to violation of the standards of DoDD 1344.10 or the direction of Adm Mullen. In addition, if the Military is paying for you to attend a class where individual participation is part of the norm, it is your DUTY to get involved in the discourse.

Feel free to preface your comments with a phrase that identifies yourself as the sole owner what is to follow, but I don't even think that is necessary. The opinion of a midshipman is nothing more than the opinion of a midshipman. Those classes are a free-fire-zone, in uniform or out.


Coffee Drinker
Super Moderator
What community did CDR Garcia come from?? His bio didn't say.

O-4 type, I'm pretty sure helos, but don't quote me on that. He flies from time to time with VT-27. His father and brother are both naval aviators as well.