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Mumbai Attacks


Super Moderator
Hardly. Radical Islamic terrorism has been going on for fifty plus years.

Try a couple hundred years, where do you think the word 'Assassin' originated? But it was hardly been the 'dominant' ideology of international terrorists until the 80's, leftism and nationalism were before that. And just in case you were wondering, politics and nationalism is still a driving force behind many terrorists around the world.

That doesn't mean that it always will be, but it is now. And unfortunately, with the weapons available in today's world, and the "closeness" of the world due to the transportation/communications available, we cannot afford to wait for a couple of centuries for Islam to morph into something less dangerous.

What do you suggest we do then?


Crusty Shellback
A large part of the reason that you see protests like that is because that is only protests that the authoritarian governments where most of them took place allow. There is a lot of pent up anger in most of those countries, where there is little opportunity and even less prosperity. With youthful and rapidly growing populations many people have a desperate need for an outlet, and religion is one of the few 'acceptable' outlets in most of those places. Nationalism failed them a generation ago and now many have turned to religion as a way forward. It may may or may not 'work' for them, and in a generation there might be something totally different that appeals to them.

And there are very few 'Islamic' governments. Syria, which is secular, was the site of some of the most violent protests agains the Danish cartoons. And they one of the biggest supporters of 'Islamic' terrorist groups, out of self interest and not out of some 'Islamic' solidarity.

As for growing up, you can say the same for people who riot after the win or loss of their favorite sports team, how many times has that happened even in 'developed' countries like Europe and the US? Does it make sense to ransack and burn your own city 'celebrating' a sports team victory? Not so far removed now are we?

Just to show you how far we have "grown up"...this is from today. Disgusting.



Kool-Aid free since 2001.
As for growing up, you can say the same for people who riot after the win or loss of their favorite sports team, how many times has that happened even in 'developed' countries like Europe and the US? Does it make sense to ransack and burn your own city 'celebrating' a sports team victory? Not so far removed now are we?

Yup, we act like children. Happens far to frequently. Not the same though, not at all. And yes, I understand that if you live in an authoritarian country that you may not be able to protest against the acts committed in your faith's name. However, there are millions of muslims who could protest - but they do not. Who could take a more active role, but they do not.

You can find examples of western cultures behaving badly or western religions behaving badly, - TODAY. But You don't see it on the scale of Islam - TODAY.


Well-Known Member
Just to show you how far we have "grown up"...this is from today. Disgusting.


There is a difference between acting like a asshole for a free Slinky and murdering people by intent for insulting their bullshit prophet. The free Slinky asshole will at least go to jail instead of getting the promised 72 virgin boys and complementary cup of coffee.

The Walmart incident would be closer to the hundreds that get trampled to death every year at the Hajj where assholes throw stones at the devil. :) Now THAT sounds like entertainment to me, at least they're killing each other at that event.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Must we close every thread just when it begins to get interesting? I mean, look at it. People are begining to show thier true colors, calling people's prophets bullshit and what not. For the record, I think Jesus Christ is complete and utter bullshit of the highest order (same goes for Islam), but that doesn't help me prove a point or educate anyone. ;)

I vote it remain open, as it has real political-military value, but let's keep the vitriol and disrespect for EVERYONE's religion at bay.

Discussion in the Mod area as necessary.



Working Plan B
You can find examples of western cultures behaving badly or western religions behaving badly, - TODAY. But You don't see it on the scale of Islam - TODAY.

Uhh, better comms / internets?

Luther's 95 theses only mattered because of the printing press. If it weren't so easy to broadcast your rage and bullshit, we wouldn't be seeing nearly as much of it.


Registered User
For the record, I think Jesus Christ is complete and utter bullshit of the highest order (same goes for Islam)

...... but let's keep the vitriol and disrespect for EVERYONE's religion at bay.

Is there a "Hypocrite Of The Year" award that you are trying to win? Are you fucking kidding me? No sarcasm on my end this time.

Is this some weak attempt at a joke, because it clearly falls short of anything that could be termed insightful. This from the guy who was just lecturing us on how people with wings should be thinking.


Busted Head
I believe that religion can be a greater source of evil than many other things. I am Christian but I am appalled by some of the beliefs that certain denominations hold. For Christianity, times now aren't nearly as bad as they were during the crusades. A time full of murder and atrocity in the name of taking back the "Holy Land."

The problem, though, isn't with religion. The problems are the religious leaders and ignorant followers. It doesn't matter what religion you follow, if you're led by a deranged fanatic and are too ignorant to understand the full implications of what they're telling you, then you'll follow blindly, strap on that vest full of explosives, and blow yourself up because it will make the world a better place. Not to mention the bunch of virgins you get for blowing up a marketplace full of women and children in the name of your religion.


Crusty Shellback
Slight threadjack...this thread made me go rent Kingdom of Heaven (Orlando Bloom)..on Blu-Ray. Anybody seen sit?

/Thread jack


Will fly for food.
I believe that religion can be a greater source of evil than many other things. I am Christian but I am appalled by some of the beliefs that certain denominations hold. For Christianity, times now aren't nearly as bad as they were during the crusades. A time full of murder and atrocity in the name of taking back the "Holy Land."

The problem, though, isn't with religion. The problems are the religious leaders and ignorant followers. It doesn't matter what religion you follow, if you're led by a deranged fanatic and are too ignorant to understand the full implications of what they're telling you, then you'll follow blindly, strap on that vest full of explosives, and blow yourself up because it will make the world a better place. Not to mention the bunch of virgins you get for blowing up a marketplace full of women and children in the name of your religion.

I think a lot of it has to do with playing on peoples' fears. There's no stronger motivator than scaring someone into doing something. Don't believe this way or do this and go to hell? Maybe, maybe not but some people don't want to take a risk like that. Granted this is a bit of an oversimplification, but the point still stands.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Is there a "Hypocrite Of The Year" award that you are trying to win? Are you fucking kidding me? No sarcasm on my end this time.

Is this some weak attempt at a joke, because it clearly falls short of anything that could be termed insightful. This from the guy who was just lecturing us on how people with wings should be thinking.

Just illustrating that resorting to disrespectful statements about religious figures whom others regard as sacred doesn't do much to advance one's point, nor does it bolster the credibility of those who resort to such tactics. Further, demonstrating that I can take a position on the issue without being a "believer" who's emotionally and/or spiritually attached to one side or another. Make sense?

A bit of rudder for the group: Let's get back to the issue at hand (terrorist attack) and get away from bashing people's religion. We're above that here.



Kool-Aid free since 2001.
A bit of rudder for the group: Let's get back to the issue at hand (terrorist attack) and get away from bashing people's religion. We're above that here.

Brett, when did you get all pious? :)

I don't feel I was "bashing" the religion, so much as pointing out its failings. Yes, you could certainly do that with ANY religion, but in particular I believe this one's failings to have world-wide implications - TODAY, not 70 years ago, and not 70 years from now. If someone saw my posts and is offended at what I said about Islam, then too bad. They can bash my religion all day (though, I might note, I'm not even remotely religious, so that'd be a challenge) if it makes them feel better.

I don't think anything I said was out of line. Maybe not very PC, but not out of line. Of course, that's just my opinion...

I'm just glad the attacks are over and it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Looks like the Indian CT units did a pretty good job. Given the monumentally challenging situation, it could have been worse.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Brett, when did you get all pious? :)

I don't feel I was "bashing" the religion, so much as pointing out its failings. Yes, you could certainly do that with ANY religion, but in particular I believe this one's failings to have world-wide implications - TODAY, not 70 years ago, and not 70 years from now. If someone saw my posts and is offended at what I said about Islam, then too bad. They can bash my religion all day (though, I might note, I'm not even remotely religious, so that'd be a challenge) if it makes them feel better.

I don't think anything I said was out of line. Maybe not very PC, but not out of line. Of course, that's just my opinion...

I'm just glad the attacks are over and it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Looks like the Indian CT units did a pretty good job. Given the monumentally challenging situation, it could have been worse.

I was referring to the guy who said that Mohamed was "bullshit."



Kool-Aid free since 2001.
I was referring to the guy who said that Mohamed was "bullshit."


I musta missed that.

That's a funny statement really. Because if the poster had learned anything about Mohamed he'd know that Mohamed was originally a peacemaker! He was a very good person who really got different sides to sit down together and has things out in a peaceful way. Didn't end up working really well in the long run, but that wasn't really his fault.