P228 was my first serious defensive pistol. Bought over 25 years ago (marked made in West Germany) for the hobby cop gig and never looked back. Everything else before was for funsies. The P365 is awesome but is kinda like the discussion in another thread. Flappy paddles or stick.
I'm a convert. I've had a 229 for over 10 years. First handgun I ever shot was a buddy's 228 in college. Hated the Beretta, tried a Glock 19 for awhile, but always wanted the feel of that Sig compact. But the M17 is as good or better. Wank if one must about the manual safety, but the trigger and ergonomics are dead-nuts on. Worlds above the abomination that is the M9, but I'll even take it over a P229 with the consistency of trigger pull and the peace of mind of the manual safety.
I know that last isn't what all the Internet cool kids and the wannabe operators operating operationally (in their own minds) like to hear, but IMO, muscle memory takes care of it with practice.
Even if I still drive a stick.