My son weighed his options to become a Mustang. He chose STA-21. He's been in STA-21 (FY10) for 14 months, getting accepted with just over four years of active duty service. NROTC/STA-21 battalions vary by school and military friendliness. My son was accepted at his second choice, The Citadel, with open arms.
His first choice, UVA, was of little to no help, in spite of his eligibility, a born and bred Virginian, and visits to the school to pitch himself. School loans would have been necessary had he been accepted to UVA.
At The Citadel, the balance of his tuition, over and above the SAT-21 stipend, is "forgiven" (@ $25k per annum). His educational costs are at an extreme minimum. He took the advancement exam last August (if memory serves), passed, and will be getting the pay bump to first class some time this Spring.
During his application process (three years), my son had the benefit of sage advice from his first cousin, a 1996 USNA graduate.
THIS! STA-21 for you AD enlisted guys is a GREAT deal. No way in hell would I go to the Academy when I could go to a regular college, have fun, drink beer, get laid, and live it up for 4 years....oh...and get it all paid for by Big Navy.