Everybody panic!crowbar is going to be a flight surgeon

Everybody panic!crowbar is going to be a flight surgeon
Yup had a guy in my squadron, did the same. Creepy was an "E" SEAL and then came back as a pilot, flew Hoovers. We hardly saw him when we were in Fallon. He always found some SEAL bubbas he knew to hang with.The only guy I know personally who's done something like this was an E in the Teams, then got commissioned and went Hornets.
I have an easy solution: Find a lake or beach near your house, fill a backpack with rocks, and run there as fast as you can. Once there, roll around in the water until you are soaking wet and covered in mud, then lay on the shore staying awake for at least one night without eating or drinking. The next day run home as fast as you can.
If you thought that was fun: go enlist and be a grunt. If you thought that sucked: finish college and try and fly planes.
Problem Solved.
By the way, I would change your goal from "spec-ops oorah ninja warrior killing machine" to maybe just infantry - and see how it goes from there. That is like aspiring to be a marathon runner when you haven't even tried out a 5K too see if you like running. In other words, you have no clue if you would like infantry tasks - so how can you know you would like special forces? Movies don't count, they can skip past all the hours of mind-repressing pain and mind-numbing boredom and cut right to the "fun stuff."
.Totally rocking HALO 3 doesn't count.
Movies don't count, they can skip past all the hours of mind-repressing pain and mind-numbing boredom and cut right to the "fun stuff."
Is it safe to say that most of the (couple) guys that made the SEAL/Recon/Whatever to aviator switch probably didn't start out their career thinking "I'm gonna kick in doors with the SEALs for a few years and then transition to being a fighter pilot"? Chances are this is a young guy and his goals/views will change with a few more years and a little more maturity.
That said, it was always the big joke in the Teams that the ultimate accomplishment would be a SEAL/Pilot/Gynocologist. Two out of three ain't bad.
I don't know the guy - but being a Marine Helicopter pilot I can tell you this - he was a FAC for MARSOC. Period. End of Story.
Yes, he was a FAC.
I started a thread about becoming both(as an officer) and the only way is to enlist with a UZ 0321 contract(or enlist as an 0311 and tryout for recon during SOI), serve for 4 years/or get accepted to MECEP. Then become an officer and fly after that.
MARSOC tryouts are open to all MOS's right now. However after the Marine Corps spends the half a million to million to get you to full blown operator status, I don't think they are going to let you go MECEP without getting their money out of you via deployments.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure to try out for recon you must go through SOI, no matter what your MOS is, and if you fail the indoc or training then you are put back to 0311. So why enlist in another MOS in the first place if your intentions are to be a 0321?I'm already IN the Marine Corps. How do I try out for Recon?
Like any other lateral move, see your chain of command. In my experience, 0321 in grades PVT-SGT is anywhere from 10-40 % undermanned, so the opportunity is there. The typical situation is, a Marine who excels to the point of having a chance at Recon has a difficult time getting his current command to let him go. Successful recon candidates from the fleet that I have seen are exemplary Marines in their current unit, work with their chain of command, and are recommended by their First Sergeant or Sergeant Major to the local Recon unit SNCO's at the appropriate level.
No. To try out for recon you don't have to go to SOI.