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Naval Aviator Wings Cover Device


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
UnSat retort Brett...

You have absolutely no basis for defending #1 who tripled the national debt since George Bush, yet continues to blame GW even though he can't work his way out of the current situation.

Wings on a cover device? Actually YES, the wings of the Officer Crest do qualify as wings on the Garrison cover if you choose to look at reality that way. I grew up near Berkeley but I saw the light at a fairly early age. The way you choose to view reality is fair game.
Your post was an unrelated, off topic (and gratuitous) snipe at the president. If you want to debate a policy with a military or aviation nexus, feel free to start a thread for that purpose.


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
.... the "old-school pattern" NA wings...with the feathers instead of "little dots" in the "armpit" of the wings...if that makes sense....?

"Gade", guess ya could call them 'wing pits' eh? Gotta wonder if the eagles use Right Guard spray or stick for those olid pits, after a long, sweaty varmit hunt mission?:p

*Our grand 18 minute fireworks show in Sandy Eggo, was short (18 sec.), but SPECTACULAR! Malfunctioned, and ecerything went up at once... looked like Hiroshima.:eek:


*Our grand 18 minute fireworks show in Sandy Eggo, was short (18 sec.), but SPECTACULAR! Malfunctioned, and ecerything went up at once... looked like Hiroshima.:eek:

I bet that was impressive, while being an "Oh $#!t" moment for several.


Well-Known Member
The wings on covers thing was suggested when I asked for a CONA reprieve for AWGs.

Also denied.

When the HMFIC is a SWO, and his "uniform board" consists mostly of civilians, the majority of which were surface Chiefs when they were on active duty.. Yeah. not much aviator love.


former Marine F/A-18 pilot & FAC, current MBA stud
He's never actually defended Obama, just told you and others to take your political rantings elsewhere...doesn't really jive with the rules of conduct of the website. Your reply had nothing to do with the topic at hand.

And no, I'm not a Trotskyite...a Republican, in fact.

Who are you?


Super *********
Super Moderator
Fuck it, lets do it. It's retro, we can make it the "in" thing. One more little thing that will drive SWO's crazy and all those who dislike aviators :)


Well-Known Member
I absolutely love the idea. Anything to embrace & honor traditions of the past. But is it worth jeopardizing the newly authorized flight suit regulations including off base wear?

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
I absolutely love the idea. Anything to embrace & honor traditions of the past. But is it worth jeopardizing the newly authorized flight suit regulations including off base wear?

I'm still not sure why folks are so excited about being able to wear their bags off base. Are folks really aching to hit up their local TGI Fridays in a bag?


Well-Known Member
I'm still not sure why folks are so excited about being able to wear their bags off base. Are folks really aching to hit up their local TGI Fridays in a bag?

I'm personally excited because "my" warfighter uniform will finally be treated like everyone elses. Blackshoe Bullshit has prevented this for far too long. Am I all liquored up over sitting in TGIF in my bag? No, but it will be nice to not have to worry about the fact that I'm in my bag and want to meet my wife for lunch or can stop for a quick errand on my way home from work.


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
I'm still not sure why folks are so excited about being able to wear their bags off base. Are folks really aching to hit up their local TGI Fridays in a bag?

TGI Fridays? God no. Good lunch/dinner spots? Of course. One can only eat subway or the NEX food court so many times. Plus the grocery run on the way home is important...


Is The Bottle Ready?!
TGI Fridays? God no. Good lunch/dinner spots? Of course. One can only eat subway or the NEX food court so many times. Plus the grocery run on the way home is important...

Can you say Freebirds/Five Guys? Yes please


I don’t care if I hurt your feelings
TGI Fridays? God no. Good lunch/dinner spots? Of course

Don't try to hide it. Everyone knows you try to pick up all your chicks at Applebees.
