What's up with the guy doing the Mandarin collar thing in the first pic? Looks retarded. Why is the Navy insisting on going Army-style with the cammies with things like this, and the whole sleeve roll thing?
Huh? And the sleeve rolling thing goes back a while that I've seen. The USMC style of rolling never made sense to me. You have to take the blouse off to unroll. But then again I never had the stones to ask my Gunney at OCS.
Why would you need to unroll your sleeves?
Which was the exact reason that when the other serviced did do a sleeve roll they did it in a way that they could immediately pull them down.
WTH is a mandarin collar?
Sleeves are down in the field. Sleeves are only rolled in garrison between spring and fall where MOPP isn't an issue.
Look Im not saying I wouldnt love to have my sleeves rolled in the heat. Just like I wouldnt love to strip my top off while preflighting a helicopter because it helps me stay hydrated and keeps me from damaging or having a fuel spill on the uniform. But if you want to address uniform stupidity Id start with why the hell do I have to wear a reflective belt with a PT uniform that has them built into it while running in formation with 100 other assholes on a road that is closed from 0600-0700 every day for the express purpose of PT.
WOAH WOAH! Safety. Duhhhh.
I hate glow belts.
Sure they are...