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need advice again...


Registered User
ok i got my 4 year scholarship to villanova, but im having some serious doubts as i read more about the school. also, i just visited purdue and was impressed by the school and NROTC program. i met with the 4/c adviser and he told me that purdue is a breeding ground for pilots--they had a 100% commission into aviation last year for students that requested it. i hope to become a pilot or nfo myself after college and so this info was very appealing. my question is should i switch my scholarship to purdue because of their aviation rep? or do i have just as much a chance at another college like villanova? any advice on either of the 2 schools will help


Well-Known Member
Go to the school that you want and major in whatever interests you. Yes, Purdue might have a 100% commission rate into pilot but your chances are equally good at any other college good as long as you get good grades. If you want to go to Villanova, go there. If you go to a school simply because you think it gets you a better shot at a pilot slot you could: 1.) Not enjoy the school or 2.) Be sorely disappointed when your "breeding ground" spits you out as a SWO. Remember: there are no guarantees in the military! Good luck with your decision and keep us informed!



Electronic Attack Savant
if you want to major in aviation maybe... I am an aviation major at U of Illinois commissioning in a couple weeks. They have a good flight program there, but really it comes down to how hard you work in college. I have know guys with 2.6's and history majors getting slots, while my buddy who was a technical something and a 3.1 just got fo'ed (that sounds like such a bad thing... which it isn't)

As far as college life I dont know too much about Nova, but I am about 50 miles away from Purdue and its a balming 30 degree with a windchill about 15 right now. Also from my buddy who was a mech E there, most of the people are stuper smart, so it could be more competitive for class rankings with GPA and such. Like I said I dont know your options but take most of what you hear with a grain of salt. As long as you work hard, where you go doesnt matter. I got my slot with a 3.6 and 7/8/8 you will learn what those numbers mean later, but they are good from what I was told. Good luck.


Registered User
The selection rate for SNA/SNFO is pretty good program wide. Go to the school you think you'll enjoy more. If you aren't enjoying yourself, you probably won't do as well in school, and that will hurt your chances of picking up as an SNA/SNFO.

As far as I know, Purdue doesn't have any magical "rep" that will give you an advantage over any other unit.

EDIT: Sorry...slow typer...good call HD.


Professional Javelin Catcher
There is no "magic school" that will boost your chances for any particular designator. Your college has zero effect on what you get selected for. Ok, so they had a "100%" rate - big deal. It likely was the result of lots of pilot/NFO slots and good GPAs. I was a summer FSU grad - we all went aviation. As the others have said, go where you'd like to go. You'll have a better time, and in the end you'll get the same commission.


Well-Known Member
As has been said by the very wise on here before:

Any attempts at gaming the system usually bolw up in your face


Well-Known Member
Villanova is the land of the beautiful people. As in beautiful women.

I have one friend at Villanova and she is hot. She constantly talks about how all of the other girls there are prettier than she is. ;) I would personally choose 'Nova over Purdue. Good luck though.


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
Went to the 'Due and yes, everyone that wanted aviation got it. But like others have said, you are selected for aviation based on a NATIONAL standing, not your college. Purdue does have the rep of spitting out lots of pilots, most of the navy commissionees head down here to PCOLA. But go to school wherever you want. It all depends on your major too. Obviously engineering is good at Purdue. Personally, I wasn't an engineer so I couldn't tell you the finer points of it. Liberal Artrs got me here, and I had an assload of fun in the process.


Is it baseball season yet?
Dude, I had both Villanova and Purdue in my top 3, 2 (was it three? geez) years ago when I applied. Take Villanova. They have a really solid NROTC program as far as I've heard. When I visitied I was thoroughly impressed. Like said earlier, there is no "magic" school.


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
It's about lifestyle, too. I believe Villanova is much more intense than Purdue. Purdue is a basic NROTC program, fairly structured, but it doesn't dominate your life.

Maybe that helps, I don't know. There are probably hotter girls at Villanova, but the administrators at Purdue were getting some good recruiting classes when I left;)


Chicks Dig Rotors...
Purdue (as you can tell from my name) did well for me. I know we have had a 100% pilot selection stat for a few years now.

You don't need to worry about all the smart Engineers making the GPA competitive... the engineering programs at Purdue were so difficult that the average engineer in ROTC had a GPA of 2.2 or something.

My classmate here in primary went to Purdue as an Aviation major... and he got his pilot slot... and as I'm training with him I've come to realize that this is just a stepping stone between him and his F-18. Purdue has a top ranked aviation school, and I wish I had majored in that!!!

Also, Purdue NROTC was a blast... and it wasn't one of the "CONTROL YOUR LIFE" units... like some of the guys have told me their ROTC was.

Girls at Purdue were fine, but dont expect too many in an engineering curriculum. The winter's may get chilly, but I was used to that since I grew up in the midwest.


New Member
My oldest son (25 yoa) graduated from Avaition program at Purdue. All I can say is my wife and I were very pleased with Purdue. They keep the buildings spotless. We were always amazed at how clean everything was when ever we visited. On our visit to the flight line and the hanger I was blown away, you could eat off of the floor, work benchs or whatever. He really enjoyed his time there where he also found his wife. Good memories all the way around.



Supply Officer
Guh - its cold up in Indiana. The school is clearly good, but (W) Lafayette leaves a bit to be desired....

So theres my advice about things you didn't ask ;) see above for all else.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
My classmate here in primary went to Purdue as an Aviation major... and he got his pilot slot... and as I'm training with him I've come to realize that this is just a stepping stone between him and his F-18.

Or P-3, not that there's anything wrong with that. :D
