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need advice again...


Working Plan B
My oldest son (25 yoa) graduated from Avaition program at Purdue. All I can say is my wife and I were very pleased with Purdue. They keep the buildings spotless. We were always amazed at how clean everything was when ever we visited. On our visit to the flight line and the hanger I was blown away, you could eat off of the floor, work benchs or whatever. He really enjoyed his time there where he also found his wife. Good memories all the way around.

Hmm a "clean" school that graduates you with the 'ol ball and chain; these are good reasons to select Purdue.

On the other hand, the only guy I know at the other institution calls it, "Villa-no-friends."

"Choose wisely..." ;)


livin' the dream
Hmm a "clean" school that graduates you with the 'ol ball and chain; these are good reasons to select Purdue.

On the other hand, the only guy I know at the other institution calls it, "Villa-no-friends."

"Choose wisely..." ;)

I've heard it as Villa-no-fun... but I like that one too.



FERS and TSP contributor!
Agree with all of the above.

Complete NROTC, graduate, and commission
Complete the AQT/FAR and do "good enough"
Stay healthy and injury free
Meet vision standards
Express a desire for 1310

= high probability of going to P-cola after graduation.

All things aside - Villanova is an awesome school and home to some of the most attractive women on the planet. Purdue is engineers in the middle of corn and soy bean fields. You choose!

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Precisely! I've been ordnance taped, grabbed and groped in the most traumatizing ways imaginable. :eek:

That's what you get for being an AO....:D

True story......RO3N to Mombasa out of Dodge. We're told to stay away from the Kenyan hookers because 90% were supposed to have AIDS. We go into a bar and there is our AO1 with his arms around the fattest, ugliest, stinkiest hooker we've ever seen. His thought process - she was so bad no one would ever have wanted to screw her so she had to be HIV/AIDS free. His AOAN trainee was right there next to him grinning from ear to ear with his arms around the second ugliest, fattest, stinkiest hooker ever.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Brett would have to be the oldest LT in the fleet. This was in 1987 and the AO1 retired 6 months later with 20 years of service.

But knowing AOs, it could be any one of them at an given time.....