I think this is where they're coming from: JFTR, section 10416. I think the per diem everyone had been getting was due to a certain civilian at PSD trying to work the system. Makes no difference to me, I'm prior and married.

Tough luck guys.
New Accessions. BAH-T applies to a member without dependents in the accession pipeline, to include a Reserve Component member undergoing initial training, when in a travel status, leave en route or proceed time while transferring from the initial entry training location, between training locations and to the first PDS. BAH-T applies until the member reports to the new PDS. A member in the accession pipeline includes a:
*NOTE: Service academy and ROTC graduates without dependents, who remain at the graduation/ commissioning location following graduation and commissioning before proceeding to another duty station and are not assigned Government quarters, are authorized a housing allowance at the without-dependents rate for the graduation/ commissioning location through the day prior to departure en route to the training location. If the officer acquires dependents, the officer’s housing allowance with-dependent rate becomes based on the dependents’ location effective the date dependents are acquired.
1. Member who is undergoing initial entry training, to include a Reserve Component member;
2. Student (includes ROTC and OCS) without prior Military Service; See
NOTE above.
3. Service Military Academy graduate upon graduation, until arrival at the first PDS. See
NOTE above.
For the purpose of BAH only, the initial entry-training site is defined as a PDS. A member without dependents is not authorized BAH since Government quarters are assigned. The BAH rate for a new accession with dependents is based on the dependents’ location if they are located inside the U.S. If dependents are located outside the U.S., BAH is based on the training site location.