Here's an update:
I went to PSD today just to turn in some forms. First of all, BUPERS is auditing PSD... Dunno if that's gonna be in our favor or not. Secondly, the BAH transient went into affect November 1st 2007. So you guys that have been down here getting full BAH since then... watch out for a nice big bill from Uncle Sam. That's just what the lady in PSD told me, we all know nothing's for sure right now.
Secondly, regarding per diem. I was told that if you got a stamp on your orders from the BOQ saying that govt quarters WERE available, you will not be entitled to per diem, because you basically passed on cheaper govt housing to go live out on town.
Regardless, this is a load of crap. Anyway, all the pay stuff is up in the air right now.