J.C. Powell
What will they think of next? Charlies on fridays?
No, Chucks won't be until Daylight savings time begins...for now, just Bravos on Fridays.What will they think of next? Charlies on fridays?
No, Chucks won't be until Daylight savings time begins...for now, just Bravos on Fridays.
I wasn’t trying to correct you. (If we were talking) The tone of my comment was more of disgust, with an attempt of a little cynicism thrown in. I suppose I failed. But thanks for calling me “devil”...made me laugh this morning. I haven’t been called “devil” since TBS.Thanks for keeping me straight on that, Devil.
I'm in the land of FROG suits. What unit/base is going Charlie Friday all of a sudden?
I've always thought that if you think Charlies are more professional, you should have the balls to go all the way and mandate them for all office duty.
That makes sense, as a reserve dude I'm out of the loop most times and without a MARADMIN I was beginning to wonder if it was something that originated in MARFORRES (again, the only thing I had seen in writing) that grew out of hand.Essentially, he just sent an email to the Chief of Staff stating his intent. Nothing in writing, aside from the email trail from above.
A MARADMIN isn't necessary.
Says the guy named "squeeze"!!/still wearing sized-at-TBS bravos... because the exchange has been plundered
//fits about as well as you might think. cranial bloodflow is overrated.
I, for one, am glad and happy to see that the Marine Corps' focus remains "squarely" on combat readiness.Roll them sleeves back up 9 March!
Maradmin 078/14
Now if we can get them to change having to wear them stinking service B/Cs on Fridays...