I just don't like the idea of wings for people who don't fly
I think we Naval Aviators should go back to WWII and wear wings in place of the officers crest on our piss cutters.
Anything to piss the SWOS off, and you better believe it would!
But they get same "billing" as Naval Aviator / NFO wings. This is another case of hippy bullshit "when everyone is special, nobody is different" self esteem BS like kids getting participation trophies for just showing the fuck up to baseball practice.
When you get right down to it ... they are pathetic penis envy: suggestion --- get a life, wish-I-was wannabe's
So where's the harm in giving a guy who has the aviation maintenance skill mastered a pin to distinguish him from some undesignated smoe? It's not like the Navy decided to give them all Naval Aviator wings.
Don't know that I 'get' the thrust of your post ... but 'WINGS', gold or lead or otherwise, are for guys that 'fly' ... Officer or Enlisted ... but not for groundpounders that happen to work in Aviation fields ....What was wrong with the EAWS wings that I saw every AMDO wear throughout my Navy career? You were an officer and you weren't wearing gold wings, so I knew you must be a a King of the Wrench Turners.
Don't know that I 'get' the thrust of your post ... but 'WINGS', gold or lead or otherwise, are for guys that 'fly' ... Officer or Enlisted ... but not for groundpounders that happen to work in Aviation fields ....
If you don't 'fly' ... then you don't get Wings ... until you're in Heaven.
As a side note to this thread, a lot of people seem to be confusing AMDO's with LDO's in aviation maintenance-related designators.
'WINGS', gold or lead or otherwise, are for guys that 'fly' ... Officer or Enlisted ... but not for groundpounders that happen to work in Aviation fields ....
So by that rationale, where's the harm in holding the few of the more skilled occupations in the Navy in a little higher esteem, and make the priviledge of wearing a distinctive insignia motivation for a Sailor to challenge him/herself to earn the pin; undertake the rigorous training, actually sacrifice a year spent studying, subject yourself to personal discomfort, or subject themselves to a higher risk occupation. That's how we distinguish a Nuke, SEAL, Aviator, NFO, AC, etc from the "smoe" that get's an insignia from simply filling a particular job billet.
And that's O.K. by me ... as they 'earned' those Wings ... reference the repeated observations @ 'retired guys' sporting Wings of varying sizes, shapes, and colors ... again, they EARNED them..... EAWS wings however are authorized, accepted and worn with pride by many prior enlisted turned aviation maintenance officer, despite the fact they don't "fly."