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Next SECNAV - A Naval Aviator?


Final Select BDCP Intel
By some reports, Juan Garcia, P-3 driver and close friend of President-elect Obama, has been selected as the next Secretary of the Navy. Galrahn over at Information Dissemination doesn't seem thrilled; does anyone know more? His resume - UCLA 1988 (presumably ROTC or OCS?) and active until 2004, Harvard Law (where he met Obama), Kennedy School, White House Fellow, and now the US Congress - is certainly impressive, but doesn't seem to indicate a lot of policy background in naval issues. To be honest, it seems like Obama went with the guy he knew over other choices, and that may cost him some credibility in the naval community. It's possible this is just a trial balloon, since I haven't seen any official reports yet.

Anyone around here have any thoughts? I would suspect some of the forum members probably know CDR Garcia.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
Sometimes that's all it takes is to know someone. You know the old say "It's not who you know..." At least he has a Navy background which is a good start.

-ea6bflyr ;)


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
His resume -.......words....and now the US Congress - is certainly impressive
He is a STATE Represenative...not a US Represenative.....Navy background....easy there killer! In the spirit of P-3 guys coming to the defence of their per-diem the last couple of days, don't mistake them for their sea-going Naval Aviation brethren:icon_tong:icon_smil.


Will fly for food.
I know some guys who flew with him but that's about it. I remember seeing his commercials on tv all the time.


Dirty Hinge
I seem to remember (from the last election campaign) that he got in trouble for not properly diclosing some donations; that and his experience he touted was from his FITREPS...not exactly a strong resume...he had really crappy commercials was all I remember...


The all knowing wikipedia...

Oh, and I thought he was one of those pointy-nose hook-dragging homo's...
I guess his ads were a little misleading...must have been the dirty hinge coming out in him;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, his commercials showed him in flight gear on the flight deck of a carrier, and some of his campaign lit referred to "Armed missions over Iraq." Possibly a slight misrepresentation of P-3 service...

Edit: just clicked on the wiki link... my God! He made an emergency landing in a sandstorm!


Registered User
I wouldn't read too much into the fact that he was a Naval Aviator. I think its more important that he has a manageable ego, and is able to listen to the good counsel of those under him. Most important, he needs to be a good administrator. It is impossible for any one man to know everything that goes on under SECNAV's purview, so he has to be very organized and to pick, and trust, good men and women under him. All SEC's are going to fight to protect and expand their departments.

I know the current SECNAV, and he has no Naval background at all. PHD in physics, very senior Program VP with TRW, later with (I think) General Dynamics, but an excellent administrator, and he picks good people to work for him, then he trusts them. He's done a great job, IMO.

Hope the new guy is as good.


Shut up woman... get on my horse.
Remember that John Lehman was only in the Naval Reserve and yet turned out to be a very strong SECNAVY.

*I say not to discount his experience but only because it appears he was never fully active duty, during his time in the reserve he was working for UBS and Abington


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
That's a pretty thin resume (Cdr and state rep?) for a Navy Secretary. Probably the thinnest since Webb, who at least had a Navy Cross and notoriety as an author when he was nominated.