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Next SECNAV - A Naval Aviator?


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
He's a P-3 guy... Are they even allowed to have an ego?

40 year olds w/ great connections are not typically afflicted w/ excess humility. Good luck with his ability to listen to others. We'll see what happens on his watch. I wish him well, but have my doubts.


Coffee Drinker
Super Moderator
All I know is that he sucks at TIMS. I guess that's not really a pre-req for the job though, since TIMS will soon become self-aware.


Dirty Hinge

Not a chance in hell that will happen. President Elect Obama has a larger agenda he wants to get through, and does not want to get mired down in a domestic argument about gay-rights. Clinton made this mistake when he came into office with DADT and it probably hurt his credibility down the road and he had lost the ability to pass actual important things (to him) such as Universal Health care...I don't see Obama making the same mistake...I think he will go with a down the middle of the road guy like he has with the rest of his choices. I have to say I am actually surprised by many of his picks so far and how little he has strayed into the leftist weeds.

I like his Sec. of Interior choice, his Sec. of Agriculture was my former Governor in Iowa, and was more worried about the farming industry than the stupid environmentalists...he may have sold out for Corn-Ethanol but he will have the new Sec. Energy to keep that bullshit in check (a Nobel prize winning scientist will hopefully get his point across about how stupid ethanol from food crops is)

Clinton as Sec. State is mildly retarded in my view...but I guess she may be just a mouthpiece for the Obama administration and hopefully keep her hubris in check (I'm not holding my breath)

As far as a homosexual SECNAV? Not a chance...Pickle


His sexuality is only an issue if you make it one.

I think it's clear we're still in the rumor and assumption phase (about the nomination).


Professional (?) Flight Instructor
His sexuality is only an issue if you make it one.

I think it's clear we're still in the rumor and assumption phase (about the nomination).

That's true. I'm sure that if he's nominated and confirmed, we in uniform will continue to do our jobs to the best of our abilities. His nomination might cause a lot of unneeded controversy for a young administration that has a lot of other stuff to deal with.

But you know me. I'm a simple guy and I don't know much. :D


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
I think it's clear we're still in the rumor and assumption phase (about the nomination).

Don't agree. With a new administion, there are a lot of nominated positions they have to go to Congress before confirmed. Potential nominees are carefully vetted, but despite best advisors opinions on public response and background checks (illegal aliens as housekeepers, etc.), they "float" names so press will do just what they're doing here. Press does it's own vetting and opinionating and public is pulsed for their response. Last thing they want is a prolonged or controversial confirmation hearing by Senate or someone from the past coming out with adverse info that was missed.

I did find it interesting that General Shelton didn't recommend him for the Army (his service). Would mean more to hear from former SECNAV (like Lehman) or high ranking Navy admiral.


I meant rumor and speculation about the final choice, despite the OP and the other post claiming MSNBC verified Garcia's nomination.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
I meant rumor and speculation about the final choice, despite the OP and the other post claiming MSNBC verified Garcia's nomination.

I agree with that statement and wonder, Just wonder about OP's SA:

By some reports, Juan Garcia, P-3 driver and close friend of President-elect Obama, has been selected as the next Secretary of the Navy....It's possible this is just a trial balloon, since I haven't seen any official reports yet.

That's quite possible, but how did you miss rumors on your own front porch (or dockside might be more appropriate)?? :confused:vvvv:confused:

Pro-Rec Intel BDCP

Location: New York City


Final Select BDCP Intel

That's quite possible, but how did you miss rumors on your own front porch (or dockside might be more appropriate)?? :confused:vvvv:confused:

Pro-Rec Intel BDCP

Location: New York City

my intelligence work was shoddy on this one...I completely missed this. It seems like White makes more sense if he wants to push on DADT, and Garcia makes more sense if he wants someone he knows. Apparently Obama doesn't want another defense contractor like England, and maybe the undersecretary jobs will go to the policy wonk types.