I thought it was only 7 years, not 10?I just got back today, slept for four hours when I got home! Now time to get this SF86 jazz taken care of. This 10 year history thing is killing me!
Just curious. I thought you were pro rec'd SNA too. How come youre only going NFO now?They changed it up.
So you were pro rec'd for both SNA and NFO because you chose both those designators? Then you had to make a choice on which one you were gonna go with?Vision. 20/200.
Cool I hope that works out for you. As for me, Im getting ready for the next board whenever that is. Just going for SNA right now. Last time I got my eyes checked (at Lenscrafters lol) they told me I was 20/30. So hopefully, it stays that way.Yes sir! I knew pilot was a stretch for my eyes, and I could find the actual NAMI requirement at the time. N3M will see SNA on my packet, but we're going to resubmit for SNFO right after. My plan right now is to get the Navy to pay for PRK after training and try to lateral to pilot! It's hard, but it's been done before. What's your status?
I was wondering if any of the info on here has changed? since this thread was created back in 08 with the latest post being 3 years ago
Don't think so, why do you ask?