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No Tow Truck To Be Found

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Super Moderator
This would have been fun to fly......:D


As a FO, the Intruder have been my choice......;)


Bubba, Photo mission on 11 March 1952 started at 0500 to take photo's of enemy troop build-up (encampments)near Tunghwa, in Red China. (don't tell anyone, as the world didn't know we flew into China to take photo's)..
The weather was in our favor to make the photo's, as it was probably 10 below zero, and the troops were all in their bunks and no one was manning the AA guns. Nor was any Mig's showing on radar... However, that didn't last very long. As the F2H-2P was making it's second run (photographing) two blimps on the radar was a dead giveaway, we better get down to 600' and run the valleys home. Things change for us, as three AF F-86's came to the rescue..

During the time we had departed K3, a March rain came raining down on K3, and the temp was about 15 degrees resulting a very slick field. K-3 at that time a runway of 5400' before it was extended. Needless to say, the Banshee sorta lost it's footing.


adrenaline junky
Was the runway grass or did you slide the side or end?

Going along with Bubba, Eddie, A4s, and Skidkid, as well as the threadjack:
Prop: FW-190
Jet: old- ME-262, new-A-4
Helo: Cobra, definately cobra hands down.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Mefesto said:
I'm convinced I was born to late.
Mefesto said:
If I could have my choice? A-6's.

How could you have beaten bouncing between Oceana and Whidbey?

That said, my goal is to fly as many different types of aircraft as I can before I die. Spads, 262s, Mustangs, Scooters, Intruders, B-17s . . . heck. I could say I'd give my eyeteeth for a ride in 'em, but then I'd have only flown in 4 and there would be so many more left . . .


skidz, the runway was concrete for what there was of it. The Marines did a great job of bringing in metal plats to make the tarmac and aprons.
Like the ones under the F2H-2P in the photo. My aircraft stayed true until I made a decision to make a left 90 on a crossover.


I don't think you would have a jet very long on a dirt or gravel approach or runway. Those fins in the turbines would become rock throwers.


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket


That said, my goal is to fly as many different types of aircraft as I can before I die.

Funny, mine is to fly and jump out of as many different types of aircraft as I can before I die.


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Mefesto said:
There is a LOT more brain power required to fight today's modern jets than a six pack with a gun sight... IMHO.
Very true.

The exigent demands of modern, complex aircraft and their sophisticated, multiple weapon systems require much more brainpower and more demanding training than ever before.

But one thing still remains constant…to paraphrase Adolf Galland:
"No matter how highly developed a modern fighter aircraft may be, only the spirit of attack, born in a brave heart, will bring success."


..The exigent demands of modern, complex aircraft and their sophisticated, multiple weapon systems require much more brainpower and more demanding training than ever before.....
Huh? What does that mean?? ... I mean ... I'm just an 'ol Attack Bubba. You Fighter Pukes with your fancy words ... :) ... totally unfair. No wonder you won the debriefs.


Mefesto said:
.....There is a LOT more brain power required to fight today's modern jets than a six pack with a gun sight... IMHO.
[continuing course correction]
I dunno ... I think it's always been the "same" .... even when it's "different".

You've ALWAYS had to think fast and keep the head on a swivel, air-to-air, air-to-ground, and even with that woebegotten STUD in the other seat .... or you die.

The guy who sees the other first (by whatever means), manuevers better to a position of advantage (by whatever means) , and shoots first (by whatever means) usually wins.

Whether it's biplanes or .... ??? :)

[/course correction]


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
You've ALWAYS had to think fast and keep the head on a swivel, air-to-air, air-to-ground, and even with that woebegotten STUD in the other seat .... or you die.
The guy who sees the other first (by whatever means), manuevers better to a position of advantage (by whatever means) , and shoots first (by whatever means) usually wins.
Whether it's biplanes or .... ??? :)
Ya, but………………biplanes didn't have that pesky Guns/SW/SP (or whatever it is today) selector switch on the stick to screw them up, .... you know, the switch that always seems to be in the wrong position whenever they get buck fever. So it's gotta be a lot tougher today. Right? :)
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