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No Tow Truck To Be Found

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Ya, but………………biplanes didn't have that pesky Guns/SW/SP (or whatever it is today) selector switch on the stick to screw them up, .... you know, the switch that always seems to be in the wrong position whenever they get buck fever. So it's gotta be a lot tougher today. Right? :)

Right ... it's gotta be tougher today .... except when the Spandaus or Vickers or Lewis' jammed or just didn't work ... or shot off your prop. :)

Then you shoulda stayed in bed ...


Well-Known Member
i'm a little late but IMHO

props- F-6F, hawker sea fury, p-38
Jet- F-111, F-4, F-14( i'm a product of the Top Gun age what can I say)
helo-Cobra...no ifs ands or buts about it.

to continue with this tread jack, What plane/helo from our past you like to face off against in a dogfight?
me personally...I'd have to go with a zero somewhere high over the south pacific...


So then ... you would be the same McEachern who won the NC in Korea ???

Perhaps I have the spelling wrong ... I can look it up??



Props: F6F
Jets: F/A-18E (I've been drinkin' the Lemoore Koolaid for far to long)
Helos: AH-1


A4sForever, Cannot take credit for the NC. However, it's unusual to find two Harold McEachern's in the Navy, and serving in Korea at the same time. More apps to be a Smith or Jones.
The U.S. Navy got a little mixed up here, as they did often. You can no doubt agree with that. They had Harold O. being with the 1st Marines, and me.. Harold L. as the Navy helicopter pilot that did the daring night time rescue in No. Korea on May 5, 1952 from that mountain side.
I think his duty station was on a Navy Scow some 10 miles of Wonsan area, performing rescues for down pilots.

I met him at NAS North Island in mid 1960's. I ask him to share the Navy Cross, which the Navy claimed I was the recipient for a brief time.


Remotely piloted
Super Moderator
The Navy Cross is presented to Harold O. McEachern, Lieutenant (j.g.), U.S. Navy, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United Nations while participating in aerial flight against the enemy as a member of an Air-Sea Rescue Squadron in Korea. On 5 August 1952, Lieutenant (Junior Grade) McEachern, as Pilot of a Navy Helicopter in Helicopter Utility Squadron ONE (HU-1), participated in the daring rescue of the Commanding Officer of a Marine aircraft group whose aircraft had crashed deep in enemy territory. Resolutely maneuvering at tree top level in the face of intense hostile ground fire, Lieutenant (j.g.) McEachern promptly located the downed aviator and skillfully effected the pickup from a position in precipitous terrain that afforded the helicopter less than four feet of clearance. During the hazardous return over enemy infested territory, increasingly accurate barrages of defensive fire severely damaged the helicopter, but Lieutenant (j.g.) McEachern elected to continue directly on course because of the critical condition of the Marine aviator. Dangerously low on fuel, he maneuvered his battle-damaged helicopter through the hostile fire and conducted a successful night landing less than four hours after the rescued pilot had parachuted fifty miles behind enemy lines. Lieutenant (j.g.) McEachern's heroic actions and exemplary initiative were responsible for saving the life of a Marine aviator. His courageous conduct, outstanding perseverance and steadfast devotion to duty throughout reflected great credit upon himself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
Born: 8/25/1924 at Clyde, Texas
Home Town: San Diego, California
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