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Not enough Academy applicants?

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
Well. I guess if you wanted to go to one of the military Academies, now's the time to apply. Seems like you might have a bit of an advantage due to decreasing numbers.

From: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,166566,00.html

Military Academies Face Drop in Applications
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
By Molly Bernhart

As the newest students at the nation’s four U.S. service academies start their classes this month, they may not realize they had a slight advantage — they benefited from a shrinking pool of applicants.

All of the schools saw a drop in prospective students, with the Air Force Academy (search) experiencing the most drastic change — a 23 percent decline from last year. The U.S. Military Academy at West Point (search) fared the best with a 9 percent drop in applicants, according to figures provided by the academy.


I Can Has Leadership!
It doesn't suprise me, tho those numbers don't tell the whole story. Having worked with the Admissions Office as a mid at USNA, the numbers that they used as a baseline are slightly inflated.

Post 9-11, the number of applicants rose significantly. I don't know the percentages. I have a feeling that a significant chunk of the the decline is due to a wearing off of the "Man, I wanna go kill some terrorists" attitude among the age group that traditionally applies to the academies.

Tho I must admit, it is disturbing to see that consistantly less people are taking an intrest in actively serving a part in defending our nation and what we stand for...


Is it baseball season yet?
I also think that a large part of it has to do with the guidance systems at our nation's high schools... There's no information being given out about the service academies or ROTC programs. I can't count how many times I've had to explain what the Naval Academy is to people thinking that I'm enlisting...


Shut the F#%k up, dummy!
To help everyone out on this topic I have included the link to a Foxnews piece that outlined what Steve is talking about. Mostly, it's a big non-issue because if you can make it to the end you'll find the foloowing buried treasure:

"Even though the academies are experiencing a drop in applications, most of the academies are back to their application rates before terrorists attacked the United States in 2001."

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,166566,00.html

So, all-in-all, a non-issue. The services haven't really grown so much that this is a huge problem and the knee-jerk reaction from 9/11 is wearing off. It's all about which part of the cycle you're in.

The Chief

Class of 2009 Applicants and Nominees

Applicants (includes nominees) 11,259
Number of applicants with an official nomination 4,320
Nominees qualified scholastically, medically and in physical aptitude 1,812
Offers of admission 1,503
Admitted 1,220

Random historical applicants:

Class of 2006 12,333
Class of 2008 14,425

Based in this limited sample, I see no real trend.


I Can Has Leadership!
Concur with The Chief... (thanks for the numbers)

There is no real trend... numbers overall have stayed about the same. There's always gonna be some fluctuation, but that's normal.

Side note, after a major event like 9/11 that galvinizes a country toward a single possibly military oriented goal, the numbers of people volunteering for military service tend to surge in a fit of patriotism, then eventually subsides as the "national attitude" returns to some semblance of what society considers "normality"

-Bubba's $0.02


he will die without safety brief
Not to mention... haven't there been too many officers in most communities for a while now?


I Can Has Leadership!
squorch2 said:
Not to mention... haven't there been too many officers in most communities for a while now?

I'd be willing to bet my first & second born that that has a near zero effect on the number of applicants to the service academies... If it does, its limited to the enlisted folks who apply, and they make up a small percentage of the actual applicants to the academies... so any small increase or decline in elisted applicatnts will have a negligible affect on the total numbers...

However, what it does affect is the acceptance and attrition rates...


TheBubba and The Chief have offered cool-headed, statistical analysis. Such intellect is as refreshing as it is, perhaps, atypical of these pages. :eek:)


he will die without safety brief
Nah, I'm just saying - is this something to really get worked up about, trend or not?


I Can Has Leadership!
squorch2 said:
Nah, I'm just saying - is this something to really get worked up about, trend or not?

S'all gravy... nothing to get worked up about. Just givin' the numbers.