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NROTC 5 years?


Domestic Engineer Specialist
not at the UW-Madison. The command was not for it one bit-if you didn't do it in 4yrs tough cookies...back to the fleet for you. : (


New Member
not at the UW-Madison. The command was not for it one bit-if you didn't do it in 4yrs tough cookies...back to the fleet for you. : (

Are you talking about people who did engineering/technical degrees or the political science degree? I already quoted the MARADMIN that says, "APPLICANTS MAY REQUEST A WAIVER FOR THE PURSUIT OF A TECHNICAL 5 YEAR DEGREE." I get the feeling that political science wouldn't be considered technical enough to qualify for that waiver. Also, I'm still curious why you're "GRRR" over your husband not being able to do an MBA when, "ATTENDING GRADUATE SCHOOL IS NOT AUTHORIZED WHILE ENROLLED IN MECEP." So, did he just not explain these limitations to you? Did he not know about them?


Domestic Engineer Specialist
no, I had a type o...it was just a business degree he was trying to obtain...not an MBA. and, yes, you can request all you wanted...but the UW command was not about to approve an extention. The amount of required credits had you out of there in 3yrs no matter what degree field you were going in/ tech deg or not. :(

The UW was a very small NROTC and it seemed like they had something to prove. My husband was working long hours in the summer (sometimes longer than when he was an armorer), long hours all the way until Dec. 24...he would have the 25th off but had to call in to check in and then back at work on the 26th every year...Unless they took leave they were not allowed spring breaks off, holidays, or summers. They actually had check in's for the MECEPS to make sure they were in each class, Study class was mandatory there everyday until 6:30pm, and you had to do duty on the weekends until 10pm at night...

I don't know, he was just glad to get his degree and get the heck out of there. Like I said, it seemed like this command had something to prove since they were small. I'm not too sure how other NROTC's added up..I have only heard stories on how other NROTC's worked and it was not like the UW's...but I would be curious to find out. ??


New Member
it seemed like this command had something to prove since they were small. I'm not too sure how other NROTC's added up..I have only heard stories on how other NROTC's worked and it was not like the UW's...but I would be curious to find out. ??

We didn't get that treatment. Not by a damn sight. No attendance spot checks. Study hours were only mandatory if your GPA went below a certain level, and I never saw a MECEP on study hours. Occasionally we would have things that required us to work nights, and during football season we worked every home game (until kickoff) but no busy work. If were staying "in the area" during spring break and Christmas, we didn't have to take leave. Most of the time, even if I did take leave, when I came back in one piece the papers were shredded.

Every NROTC unit has its quirks and problems, even if the leadership doesn't recognize or care. We had ours, but nothing on that level. Just for reference, my first semester we had six MECEPS, then four for one year, and five the following year. Maybe former MECEPs there had a track record of getting in trouble, getting kicked out of the program?


Domestic Engineer Specialist
Maybe. The UW is the #1 party school in the nation...lol. I wouldn't doubt that some past meceps getting in trouble or getting dropped. My husband just wanted out ASAP! obviously. His senior year it wasn't as bad...but the phone call check ups over the holidays was still something I could never get use to.