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NWA Turns Back

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
I'm more surprised by the armed pilots - I'm sure it’s a great deterrent to would-be hijackers, but how easy is it to turn around and get a good shot off while you're strapped in and surrounded by controls? Couldn't someone get a gun in your face long beforehand?

If they have to work to bust down the door, you're gonna have some warning...


If they have to work to bust down the door, you're gonna have some warning...
Oh, Fly ... Fly ... Fly .... I should have adopted you soooooooooooo many years ago. You have the program figured out, yes ???

But then, you'd probably have me committed ... yes ???

And is it "tough" to turn around and get off a shot ??? Simple answer: NO.

What the hell do "they" think "we" were doing while everyone was shooting at us ???? Being confused ... ???? Being handicapped by being strapped in ????

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ???????????????? :)

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Oh, Fly ... Fly ... Fly .... I should have adopted you soooooooooooo many years ago. You have the program figured out, yes ???

But then, you'd probably have me committed ... yes ???

And is it "tough" to turn around and get off a shot ??? Simple answer: NO.

What the hell do "they" think "we" were doing while everyone was shooting at us ???? Being confused ... ???? Being handicapped by being strapped in ????

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ???????????????? :)

I've always been a strong proponent of armed pilots :) It just makes sense... if they already have the lives of the crew and passengers in their hands, I think they're good enough to be receive firearms training... call me crazy :)

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Mefesto said:
Tell that to the TSA. My dad had his bottle of hot sauce taken that he keeps in his chart case because "He can splash it in someones eyes." He's like "the only person whose eyes matter on this plane are MINE you dolt!"

That's the government for you...

Death Rattler

Registered User
I`m not going to go too deeply into the FFDO program on an open forum, but a few points. The airline pilots who are chosen for the program are screened thoroughly, including an interview with a shrink. They are trained by experts at a facility out in the desert. If they are successful, they are designated as federal marshals. They are issued a .40 cal and ammo at no expense. The program is wildly successful and is supposed to be expanded. Never again will the pilots, crew or passengers allow another 9/11 to happen. A good write up about the program is featured in a current issue of one of the several aviation magazines. I just read it, but can`t remember which mag I saw it in.


I`m not going to go too deeply into the FFDO program on an open forum, but a few points.

1. .... The airline pilots who are chosen for the program are screened thoroughly....

2. .... The program is wildly successful and is supposed to be expanded.

3. .... Never again will the pilots, crew or passengers allow another 9/11 to happen. ....

BULLSH!T ... while I would normally defer to you based on time and experience and respect ... I cannot/will not on this subject. I have strong feelings and opinions on this subject.

1. Wrong. You have drunk too much of the Kool-aid or are misinformed. Many/most of the appointments, especially the initial cadre ... are "politically" correct appointees as determined by ALPA ... "go-along'get-along" appointees. I was on the intial FFDO "set-up" program. ALPA HATED us ...... didn't want the program to get off the ground ... the ALPA Pres was our biggest enemy ... now .... they ascribe "authorship" to the FFDO program. You are either regurgitating something ALPA-political or are delusional .. or just misinformed.

Wrong, again ... the program is "mildly" successful .... the airlines hate it (liability/overall control of the aircraft and environment) ... the FEDS hate it (liability/gun control) .... you need to get into the program instead of just reading the TSA/ALPA propaganda-crap. Or ... if you were "in" the program .... what are YOU thinking ?????

3. ... Correct .....we agree .... in spades. :)


Death Rattler

Registered User
Old buddy, I don`t want to get into a pissing contest, but....ALPA doesn`t have a thing to do with this program....You are partially correct about the government(read Minetta...he says that all pilots are Type A personalities, and would leave the cockpit and start a shoot out)..`course he`s wrong... all are not type A`s, there are a large number of Air Farce pussies flying commercially. I don`t know where you got the "politically correct" stuff ...my son, the son of a Marine fighter pilot is certainly not "politically correct", nor are any of his friends that are FFDOs. It is a hard program to get into and an equally hard program to complete.The shrink`s first question to my son was "Why do you want to carry a gun in the cockpit" The answer was "That`s the last thing that I want to do, but I feel that I must do every thing possible to protect my passengers". The feds are reluctantally admitting that the program is successful, and are expanding same, with modifications that I won`t discuss here. The sky marshals are happy to have an armed pilot in the cockpit. You have your opinion,wrong as it is, and I have mine.You and I will agree on one thing and that is how worthless ALPA and Duane "Worthless' is.This statement from a 30 year dues paying member.