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O2 Mask sound on radio from Navy Aircraft


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I don't ever hear that in the aircraft, so I maintain that it's a function of your receiver. What kind of gear are you using to listen & record. Furthermore, why are you spending valuable time recording inane administrative radio transmissions? You should be playing with the other children outdoors.



Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
I don't ever hear that in the aircraft, so I maintain that it's a function of your receiver. What kind of gear are you using to listen & record. Furthermore, why are you spending valuable time recording inane administrative radio transmissions? You should be playing with the other children outdoors.

No kidding. Don't mean to bag on your hobbies or anything. But if you are a "future military aviator hopeful," realize that if you show up to flight school having spent your whole college career just playing flight sims and listening to your scanner, you might be socially behind the power curve.

I'm exhibit A that huge nerds can and do get winged, but still.


Registered User
In the video you posted, the Victory 11 guy sounds like he's just dropping his mask from his face prior to un-keying the mic. The last few examples sound very typical of Viper guys-- their mics have a familiar sound to them that make it pretty easy to pick out


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
In the video you posted, the Victory 11 guy sounds like he's just dropping his mask from his face prior to un-keying the mic.

I usually had my mask dangling on one side and had to press it to my face when I used ICS or radios or there would be a louder noise than that (Tomcat ECS noise was deafening).


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I usually had my mask dangling on one side and had to press it to my face when I used ICS or radios or there would be a louder noise than that (Tomcat ECS noise was deafening).

Another fine Grumman attribute. Every once in a while during a long OEF flight, I'll take my helmet off to wiggle my ears and it's louder than a god damned Iron Maiden concert circa 1985! :D


Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
I usually had my mask dangling on one side and had to press it to my face when I used ICS or radios or there would be a louder noise than that (Tomcat ECS noise was deafening).
Heyjoe in the early days...



Well-Known Member
Any time we transmit on a radio, it's actuated either by a thumbswitch or a footswitch. When you hear dead air before or after somebody speaks, it's most likely operator error and has nothing to do with the radio. ICS systems have adjustable VOX but I've never seen such a creature for a radio. "What you key is what you get" in other words.

Here are some reasons you might hear a "sucking" sound at the end of a transmission:
-Mask not close enough to face
-Dropping mask without releasing footswitch (or sticky footswitch)
-You are listening to a mouth breather

I get ya. I was just saying that it could be an electronic issue related to the noise gate that's built into the radio combined with the thumbswitch/footswitch.


is clara ship
Can't speak for other aircraft, but in the T-45 if you talk without your mask being placed properly on your face or with it dangling off your helmet, it will make a very garbled sucking noise (the sound of the O2 blowing by the mic amp). Our radios suck in general, though I think the old type of mask that we don't use may have better noise characteristics.

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
I think is a function of the receiver in the mask and the airflow from o2 system. Agree with Brett though, something I've never noticed from inside the cockpit - and agree with A-4's, had to listen to youtube clip for a while before I could figure out what the noise was you were referencing.


New Member
Thanks for answering the question.

No kidding. Don't mean to bag on your hobbies or anything. But if you are a "future military aviator hopeful," realize that if you show up to flight school having spent your whole college career just playing flight sims and listening to your scanner, you might be socially behind the power curve.

I'm exhibit A that huge nerds can and do get winged, but still.

Well actually, The recordings aren't mine, although I do own a scanner that was given to me by my grandfather. I'm already on track to be a military aviator, or hell, an officer at that. Don't judge me socially, I just had a question. I'm not ''socially behind the curve'' or how ever you want to put it. I manage my hobbies well, got a damn good social life, and I am doing just academically , Sir.

You should be playing with the other children outdoors.


I don't have any recording gear, its just an old radioshack radio.
Playing with children?? Ok?


is clara ship
Thanks for answering the question.

Well actually, The recordings aren't mine, although I do own a scanner that was given to me by my grandfather. I'm already on track to be a military aviator, or hell, an officer at that. Don't judge me socially, I just had a question. I'm not ''socially behind the curve'' or how ever you want to put it. I manage my hobbies well, got a damn good social life, and I am doing just academically , Sir.

I don't have any recording gear, its just an old radioshack radio.
Playing with children?? Ok?

Honestly, you are better off brushing off and not even acknowledging the ribbing you will get here. None of it is meant to be taken personally (unless of course you take it that way)


Crusty Shellback
Thanks for answering the question.

Well actually, The recordings aren't mine, although I do own a scanner that was given to me by my grandfather. I'm already on track to be a military aviator, or hell, an officer at that. Don't judge me socially, I just had a question. I'm not ''socially behind the curve'' or how ever you want to put it. I manage my hobbies well, got a damn good social life, and I am doing just academically , Sir.

I don't have any recording gear, its just an old radioshack radio.
Playing with children?? Ok?

They are just busting your balls , relax...or you're going to keep throwing more chum in the water.

I'm 5'7, Persian and I peed on myself in college...you gotta have a thick skin bro. It will serve you well.

EDIT: MIDNJAC beat me to it, and he flies jets...so it MUST be true.