New Member
I know exactly what you mean, and I didn't have to climb a lard covered obelisk to 'get it' either.
Part of the reason it sounds so foolish, and stupid, is that it is like you are trying to talk it up more than it really was. People who don't know the secret handshake, or the special reach around, will think you are describing something much worse, and it really isn't. Almost all other military accession programs do the same thing, and yet don't want to call it something more than it really is, so what makes Navy OCS so special? Not much I would suppose.
Unless you really got your ass beat, which doesn't happen anymore, quit pretending.
Everyone always thinks that their plight is the most noteworthy--or challenging if the situation calls for it; it doesn't matter how it measures up to the norm.
However, coming from the perspective of an OCS graduate...there is something to be noted about a place that makes grown adults horde candy/food like children.