Applying: SNA
7 years active
ASTB: 5/5/5/53
School: 3.78 GPA Saint Leo Univesity Crim justice / Homeland Security.
Interviews: 4 0-5's, 2 0-4's all Tens. Range from OPS O's to XO/CO's of a few E-2 commands. and then the Squadron CO as well.
LORS: 3 0-6 USN, 1 DCAG, 1 CAG, 1 skipper of a big base all former squadron CO's.
Evals: MP/EP/EP
PRT: Good High/ Good High/ Excellent Low (swim swim run)
Extracurriculurs: Lots of volunteer work/coaching.
Special: Not a pilot but been turned E-2's and C-2's for three years now.
I think that covers it.
Applied in July, Got selected Pilot in October, not too bad!