Does anyone know how long a background check generally takes after it is opened?
What's the over/under on when Final Selects start getting handed out
Well just got the word....non-select for all three communities. It was my first time applying so any advice out there??
Henderson hit it right on the head, be determined!!! This was my second year applying for a Commission and I got picked up this year. Don't let a speed bump flatten your tired on this one. Chin up, and prove that you want it. Like Henderson said, new LOR's, beef up your package with community service, volunteering or even taking up new roles such as cub scout leader or something. Prove that it's not just about you and that you care for others.
I think what helped me the most was nailing an interview with an O4, being a boyscout leader for a year, and a killer LOR from my dean of students. I also put a TON of thought into my reconsideration letter.
Thanks for the congrats Simplepnoi84, I hope that your MEPS and PRT go well and good LUCK!!!
I was pro rec for Oct. Board. I was told I need to make some updates/correction to my SF 86 (security/background check) before submitting for Final Select, however I have not been able to log onto the nasis site. Anybody else having this issue or can anyone confirm using the site recently? I am working on this out of NRD NY. How are you guys progressing?