Not like TAR or warrant, from what was put out. There will be a board, people will get selected and essentially cycle between VT/HT and TRAWING gigs until they hit 20. It sounds like the target candidates are O4 1310 with the current focus on VT(J), which is where they need IPs. From my perspective, it fills an NAE need while addressing something people on this site have been asking for for years. I think numbers will be fairly limited. They may look at this option in certain FRS as well.
It actually sounds very similar to the Warrant program, but focused towards VFA/VT(j). Sounds smart, and for the short-term, may make a lot of people happy. I just wouldn't be surprised if the program evaporates when it's not helpful to Big Navy. That in and unto itself isn't anything new, but historically, Big Navy hasn't always been good about having enough seats for everyone when the music stops. Although it seems the music will keep playing until at least 2027.
On a more serious note, it will be interesting to see how the HSx communities fair as the airlines and deployment schedules continue over the next few years. It was interesting to watch even the "chosen few" at the FRS bail in increased numbers over the last 6-some years. Will be interesting to see if it levels off or continues upward.