If you have not made E-5, you will get that when you show up to OCS, not when you graduate.
If you have 4 years active and 2 years BDCP will you qualify for O1E pay?
You get E-5 when you graduate college...or atleast I did. I don't know what your contract says.
I wasn't paid E-5 until showing up at OCS 2 months later. Talked to my recruiter back then cause I thought I should have been, but he said that was the way it was.
At my school, you weren't eligible for Dean's list unless you were a full time student. Summer sessions required 9 credits to be full time, so that may have something to do with it.
I was at 12 credits. My contract says specifically 3.5 to consecutive semesters. My recruiter has asked up his chain of command, but they told him no. What should I do? I do not want to piss off a bunch of people but I feel I am entitled to the raise.