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Pelosi One


Super Moderator
Shame on you.

Your hatred and bigotry comes thru loud and clear and in each instance where we see racisim and/or bigotry, it is our collective duty to call it out, specifically.

I seldom read the Washington Times, I too dislike most of their coverage, esp I dislike their editorial page. However, I simply move on to another paper rather than getting myself in a knot in hatred. Suggest you do the same. :) :)

Guys, I am sorry but Cate is right on the money on this one. The Washington Times is nothing but a sorry joke in DC, and that includes conservative newspaper reporters (the wife of a classmate of mine who wrote for the Wall Street Journal, pretty conservative girl). The paper has lost money every year since its founding in 1982, hundreds of millions of dollars total. The paper is still owned by a parent company owned and operated by Sun Yung Moon's church. The guy is nutty, he had himself crowned as the Messiah by a Congressman in 2004, in the Capitol :

"The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, former felon and current owner of The Washington Times, was the man in the spotlight, declaring himself humanity’s “savior, Messiah, Returning Lord and True Parent.”


It is just a really bad paper..........and I really don't know why you all are jumping all over Cate for being racist anyways, she never said anything like that in her posts. You all are reading too much into her criticism of a bad paper, get off your high horses........:confused:


Super Moderator
And your beloved NY Times and Washington Post is above all this?

No news entity is completely above reproach, but the NY Times and Washington Post are far better papers than the Washington Times. I also believe that the Wall Street Journal and the Economist, both considered to be 'conservative', are fine news publications that are in the same category as the NY Times and Washington Post.

On a more specific note, if you all complain about leaks being printed in the papers you have to look no further than the Washington Times' own Bill Gertz. The worst leaks about Defense and Intelligence come out his articles, he is well hated by everyone in my office, including one who wants to 'beat the sh!t out of him' if ever runs into him (retired Army officer, was on the ISG and one tough mf, he is serious). He is also the only reporter that I know of that may have cost someone their life (both articles are from Jane's):


Death Of Iranian Missile Expert Blamed On IRGC
David Eshel

COLONEL Ali Mahmudi Mimand, who was regarded by Israeli and Western intelligence as a key figure in Iran's missile industry, was found semi-conscious in his Tehran office on 9 July but died before receiving medical treatment, having been rushed to a military hospital. Mimand, a former fighter pilot, was the chief engineer of the Iranian defence ministry's satellite and aeronautics industry. The cause of death is not known and there are several possible explanations. At first the Israeli secret service was blamed, in light of similar mysterious deaths of Arab missile experts that remain unsolved. Unidentified Iranian opposition sources said that Mimand was killed by an accidental explosion at the Shahid industrial group research facility south of Tehran, where technical tests are conducted on the Shahab-3 ballistic missile. However the colonel's own family openly blames the elite Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps for his death. According to the Saudi newspaper Ashark al-Awsat, which reported the official Tehran version four days after the colonel's actual death, (the Iranian press ignored it), a member of the Mimand family, Amir Mahmudi, said that the Iranian authorities refused any autopsy on Mimand's body to officially establish his cause of death. He said that Mimand was arrested by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps agents last month, when returning from a visit abroad, and charged with espionage, but released on the specific orders of President Mohammed Khatami and Defence Minister Ali Shamkhani. Mimand's family maintains that the colonel was in perfect health and that any allegations that he died of a heart attack were totally unfounded.

Hemmat Industrial Complex

The Shahid Hemmat Industrial Complex is located outside of Tehran along the Damavand Tehran highway and is responsible for the development of of Iran's ballistic and cruise missile systems. The Industrial Group responsible for operating the facility is subordinate to the Sanam Industrial Group and it has invited a number of Chinese and North Korean researchers to assist scientists working at Shahid Hemmat.

Israeli and US intelligence reports leaked to the Washington Times in May 1997 revealed that TSAGI had signed a contract with the Shahid Hemat missile division of Iran's Defense Industries Organization earlier that year to build a wind tunnel at the Shahid Hemat missile plant outside of Tehran, and provide software to help Iran model missile performance.

In July 2001 Ali Mahmudi Mimand, one of the chief engineers in the Iranian Defense Ministry's Satellite and Aeronautics Industry, was reportedly found dead under mysterious circumstances. Sources said Mimand, the brain behind Teheran's effort to build medium-range missiles, was killed by an unexplained explosion at the Shahid Hemat Industrial Group research facility, where tests were being carried out on an advance launching apparatus to be used for the Shihab-3.

In 1998, one source stated that more than 400 people were employed at the facility. It is also suspected that Russian companies have supplied the Industrial Group with missile testing software and equipment, including wind tunnels and modeling tools. The complex is protected by the Revolutionary Guard Corps and reportedly produced the Shahab-3 and Shahab-4 missiles which were tested in May 2002.

The Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group was placed under US sanction in 2000 and 2003 for its role in contributing to the proliferation of missile technology. In October 2004, the US reportedly imposed sanctions on the Ukranian based Zaporizhzhya Regional Foreign Economic Association for its alleged dealings with the Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group. The Industrial Complex is not far from the Imam Hussein University and according to reports from the anti-regime terrorist group, the People's Mujahideen, the University has been involved in Iran's weapons manufacturing programs.

As observable in available satellite imagery, the Missile Industries Area encompasses approximately 150 acres. The Aerospace Industries region includes around 380 acres, while the Mechanical Industries area encloses about 230 acres. The Electronic Industries area measures about five acres.


Super Moderator
Moonie? Moonie?

Interesting to see that we have Racists/Bigots aboard this otherwise intelligent forum.
:eek: :eek:

Moonie? Racist or bigotry? So when we called the Mormons in my squadron MoMo's we were being bigots? Gimme a break, that is like saying me calling the good ol' boy from Tennessee a redneck I am a bigot. And I guess when he calls me a Yankee he is a racist. Please.........:confused:


Back to the topic...

I still don't see why she can't take a C-5 from Dover or Andrews to Travis for her regular flights back home. Easily accomodates 70 people if she needs an entourage of people. If that's not enough room, maybe she should explain to her CA district, or better yet every US taxpayer, why it's a good investment.

But then again, you don't see other US Representatives needing enormous entourages when they fly commercial. Excellent use of tax money.


Trust me, .....have you found me timid and afraid to speak my mind in the past?
Trust you??? :eek:

I always trust people until they show themselves unworthy of my trust. I t
rust, but verify .....

And no ... you're not timid. I don't believe I have never equated the
liberal, white, effete, elitist bigot with timidity.

Perish the thought ... :)


Super Moderator
Back to the topic...

I still don't see why she can't take a C-5 from Dover or Andrews to Travis for her regular flights back home. Easily accomodates 70 people if she needs an entourage of people. If that's not enough room, maybe she should explain to her CA district, or better yet every US taxpayer, why it's a good investment.

But then again, you don't see other US Representatives needing enormous entourages when they fly commercial. Excellent use of tax money.

You obviously know very little about CODEL's, Congressional Delegations, as they are fondly called by those who critique them. These CODEL's are trips of Senatros and Congressmen, often accompanied by their spouses and aides, to places around the world. Suspiciously, there are an awful lot of trips to places like Paris, Rome Macchu Picchu and London during peak times of the travel season. There have been a lot of trips to Iraq and Afghanistan lately but the vast majority of these trips are to better locations. These trips are sometimes taken on 89th Airlift Wing's planes out of Andrews and were previously often done on business jets loaned to them, and reimbursed at the first class rate. Republicans and Democrats are equally guilty of this boondoggle.

As for Pelosi, are you forgetting that she is third in line to the presidency and she is only requesting similar services to her predecessor? Even with a minimal number of aides and security personnel she would have relatively sizable number of people travelling with her. And the only source we have that she is asking for anything more is from a single anonymous source, not a good start to burning her at the stake. I seriously doubt that in todays charged political enviroment over corruption and abuse of power her aides really asked for any plane, any time to carry a countless number of people. Show me some more proof, maybe then I will start to buy it.

Intruder Driver

All Weather Attack
As Air Operations Officer at Roosy Roads (Puerto Rico) in the '90's, I was always amazed at how many fact finding missions occurred in the Caribbean basin between Christmas and April. More amazed at how flagrant some of the requests were for services, such as vans (plural) and drivers and cargo handlers for trips to the package store on base. I guess they couldn't carry their own booze.

It always pissed me off when a young snot nosed staffer would give one of my troops some lip about helping them load their bags and booze on the plane. Of course, many of these were Clintonistas. We often heard "we pay your salaries." As if our taxes wasn't paying their salaries too?



I don't know much about CODELs, and while I understand your point about trips out of country, I don't get it for routine trips back to the home district.


Super Moderator

I don't know much about CODELs, and while I understand your point about trips out of country, I don't get it for routine trips back to the home district.

A couple of basic facts, she is the Speaker of the House and is third in line to the presidency. It is one of the most powerful postions in the US and has the security, comms and aides that go along with the position. Representative Hastert, when he was Speaker fo the House, used USAF planes to go to and from his home district all of the time because the resposibility accorded his position. Chicage, where he would fly to, is just 70-80 minutes flying time from DC while California is 4-5 hours. So, while there was nary a peep when Rep Hastert did the same, there is huge brouhaha about the curent Speaker doing the same.

Again, we are specualting on a single source from what I woudl consider a suspect newspaper. Where is the other evidence of this nefarious activity where Pelosi is going to fly her stylist and others out there with her? I ain't seeing it.......


Super Moderator
As Air Operations Officer at Roosy Roads (Puerto Rico) in the '90's, I was always amazed at how many fact finding missions occurred in the Caribbean basin between Christmas and April. More amazed at how flagrant some of the requests were for services, such as vans (plural) and drivers and cargo handlers for trips to the package store on base. I guess they couldn't carry their own booze.

It always pissed me off when a young snot nosed staffer would give one of my troops some lip about helping them load their bags and booze on the plane. Of course, many of these were Clintonistas. We often heard "we pay your salaries." As if our taxes wasn't paying their salaries too?

Such arrogance knows no political boundaries, I have seen both sides act equally as bad........:(


Professional Javelin Catcher
You know, I never considered the LAPES option; but now that you mentioned it...


I think this is the real Pelosi One...

I realize that this is a thin reason to bring this thread back...but...this is some funny shit.



Shut up woman... get on my horse.
I dont understand why we cant go back to the good ol' days when newspapers were openly Pro-Republican or Pro-Federalist or Pro-(insert party name)

As for Pelosi needing a new air craft, I find it hard to believe that any terrorist would want to harm her... she is the best thing that could have happened to them.