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Pentagon says ships harassed by Iran


"I live vicariously through myself."
It doesn't take someone with that much experience to see that the skipper made the right choice. And pretty much everyone here agrees with that. International incident avoided, ROE followed, Skipper's call, nobody hurt. Perhaps its time to let this one go.

Ok, this is my last post on this subject:

Like I said, it worked out in this particular situation because the boats retreated and there was no need for hostile conflict. You know what they say, hindsight is 20/20. If one of the boats ran into the side of the ship and exploded, repeating the U.S.S. Cole incident, this conversation would be going the other way, probably with all of you saying "why didn't the CO give the order to fire with Iranian boats threatening the ship?". As a matter of fact, I'm sure of it. I just happen to be looking at it from the view of, "this could have happened." That is all.


500 ft. from said obstacle
Like I said, it worked out in this particular situation because the boats retreated and there was no need for hostile conflict. You know what they say, hindsight is 20/20. If one of the boats ran into the side of the ship and exploded, repeating the U.S.S. Cole incident, this conversation would be going the other way, probably with all of you saying "why didn't the CO give the order to fire with Iranian boats threatening the ship?". As a matter of fact, I'm sure of it. I just happen to be looking at it from the view of, "this could have happened." That is all.

.... If the boats would have come any closer, they would have been engaged...fair guess is that would have stopped them from ramming anything. Hindsight is definitely 20/20. You can't really compare this to the USS Cole, it was a different situation with a non-military vessel and no radio communications.


Ok, this is my last post on this subject:

Like I said, it worked out in this particular situation because the boats retreated and there was no need for hostile conflict. You know what they say, hindsight is 20/20. If one of the boats ran into the side of the ship and exploded, repeating the U.S.S. Cole incident, this conversation would be going the other way, probably with all of you saying "why didn't the CO give the order to fire with Iranian boats threatening the ship?". As a matter of fact, I'm sure of it. I just happen to be looking at it from the view of, "this could have happened." That is all.
It's not that simple... remember Iran has flying boats that cannot be detected by any aerial or naval radar :D


If you gotta problem, yo, I'll be part of it.
This is per the article:

Oh yes he diiiii-iiiiid.

I'll give the MSM some unwarranted credit and assume they are accurately quoting from an appropriate source within the Pentagon PAO shop - now consider the telephone game that went on from the ship, to DESRON, to 5th Flt, to LANTFLT, to OPNAV...to some staff PAO who wrote the release/fielded the phone call.

Can you see why arguing over nitnoid details listed (or not listed) in a news story written to the lowest common denominator is just ridiculous?

(...and yes, I exaggerated the telephone game a little to make my point. As we all know, there are more direct incident reporting methods - but, having been at the JTF level and tasked with tracking down details, just trust me that it's no where near the exaggeration you might think.)


He bowls overhand.
.... If the boats would have come any closer, they would have been engaged...fair guess is that would have stopped them from ramming anything. Hindsight is definitely 20/20. You can't really compare this to the USS Cole, it was a different situation with a non-military vessel and no radio communications.

I was told by a SWO that if any small vessel comes too close to a surface ship, they will fire off warning shots with the .50 cal (they weren't allowed to prior to the USS Cole incident). If they come closer still, they will open fire.

Apparently, the vessels in this story were not within that distance, or they were much bigger than the small boat used in the Cole incident.


Active Member
It's one thing to hear how close they were. It's another to see it... damn, that was close.


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
Discussing ROE is like giving Bill Belichick your playbook (or him videotaping your practice)......therefore we do not do it. Things I did not see in the video....Air support, did anyone see a -60 there? I think the CO made a good decision in this situation. What I will also add is this was not an aircraft carrier. The situation very well may have been different had it been a carrier that was provoked. Having never dropped a bomb in combat, I would have chomped at the bit to have been the Alert7 if I knew they were going to approach that close, we will leave it at that.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Ok, this is my last post on this subject:

Like I said, it worked out in this particular situation because the boats retreated and there was no need for hostile conflict. You know what they say, hindsight is 20/20. If one of the boats ran into the side of the ship and exploded, repeating the U.S.S. Cole incident, this conversation would be going the other way, probably with all of you saying "why didn't the CO give the order to fire with Iranian boats threatening the ship?". As a matter of fact, I'm sure of it. I just happen to be looking at it from the view of, "this could have happened." That is all.

You've just invalidated yourself with this post.

1) Our ships were readying to fire their weapons at the Iranians. That is what turned the Iranians around. It started to get serious and they didn't want to play.

2) The Cole was not set-up to defend herself against an attack. There wasn't even ammunition in the machine guns if I remember correctly. One reason the Cole was allowed to happen was because of our complacency and desire to not offend anyone in the world.

3) ROE exists for a reason. Sometimes it's liberal as if you're in a full on shooting war. Sometimes is restrictive because you're at peace. Then there are the in betweens. By your posts, you would have wasted those Iranians far sooner... and would have caused a major international incident between two nations that are already rattling sabers. That's not a place you want to be.

4) Those ships were readying to fire. They were doing what they should have done. Again, we're NOT AT WAR WITH IRAN. Know how many times the Iranians come out to play in the Straits of Hormuz with their boats and airplanes? I don't think you do.


Discussing ROE is like giving Bill Belichick your playbook (or him videotaping your practice)......therefore we do not do it.

Has anyone actually asked (rhetorically doesn't count) for the ROE in here? Has it not yet been mentioned enough in this thread that nobody should be asking about the ROE?