But if your accession code is 341 then you shouldn't have follow on orders, or be authorized a PCS move. That was straight from PSD's mouth during the in-brief.
And to add some info, I was non-BDCP OCS. My orders read: "ATTN API-member has been issued a PCS move to the Pensacola/Milton local area. Member will recieve follow on orders to TW-5 at Whiting Field...." Among other things and I have an ACC of 342. I'm just trying to gather as much info before I go in there and talk to them. I haven't done my PCS move yet, so I'm wondering how that would play in to all of this.
Everything you've just mentioned is exactly why you are NOT entitled to per diem. SNFOs come on 342 orders as well because they are permanent to P'cola area, therefore your situation is identical to that of a SNFO and when is the last time your heard of one of them getting per diem.
You've never had a permanent duty station and weren't BDCP. You need 341 orders because that's the whole point--it's temporary! On 341 orders you are not granted a PCS move and therefore are living a temp lifestyle and require per diem until assigned a permanent duty station.
Again, it can be pretty much summarized as requiring the following:
1) prior enlisted or BDCP with orders having you assigned to a prior duty station
2) 341 orders to API (your permanent station is still your prior duty station and you are on temp orders to NASC)