Should have quit while you're ahead
Yeah that is usually the case...crap.
Sorry I don't really know the differences with the Sea Knight? (CH-46?!) and the 47s. Thanks for explaining the chaff/flare as well. I do know that THAT aircraft is a MH-47( or/and E?) because the 160th are the only army guys that have booms on the front end! Got to see a bunch of them out in Jbad, wee morning hours they seemed to test them out and then poof they would be gone for days or weeks, magically reappearing not too far from this CIA building on the backside of the base....
Seriously, didn't mean to offend with not noting the air frame differences. But holy cow are those things powerful! I remember getting this insane vertigo when on a ride out of the Korengal. It felt like it turned upside down and left my head spinning. Respected it's capabilities after that, from being on the ground I'd never have guessed it could do that. Awesome machines. Serves well as a blow dryer to boot if you have been sweating before going up the ramp. I swear they think of everything.
The pilots are just as good...
VBIED out on a route south of base and some Chinooks flying a ring route saw the explosion and swooped down giving cover and giving evac before we could even get the 9-line out! We made sure to find those guys when we went through BAF on the way out.