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Pilot Fights Snake on Plane


Registered User
How the hell do you sell that concept to the executives?? I didn't believe it until I watch the trailor for myself, looks like the new Hustle and Flow :icon_roll

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
RetreadRand said:
When you get wings then you can talk shlt. Until then...

As far as SLJ goes...his choices of movies have not always been the best (formula 51, the negotiator, you get my drift) HE does not pick and choose very carefully kinda like a black Ben Afleck...HOWEVER, I think he is the PERFECT person to play that role...can you just imagine a plane full of snakes?

Ben Affleck sucks... Matt Damon was all the talent in Good Will Hunting (great movie)


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Jay610 said:
You guys should see the "snake" I have to wrestle in the cockpit. He's my little NFO. At 6 G's there ain't much fight left in him either...

That's a lot of smack from someone who hasn't even started the flight program yet....


Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
RetreadRand said:
well if you are hung like a horse you have a sch-long (long)
if you are hung like a tuna can you have a schl-ort (short)

LOL nice.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
sevenhelmet said:
They are definitely out of ideas in Hollywood.

While I fully expect the movie to be bad, how can you possibly say the above when it comes to this movie? Has there been another movie with Snakes on a Plane? How many B-action movies have there been? We'll know they've run out of ideas when it's "Snakes on a Bus" and the bus can't slow down or the snake will explode...or something like that. ;)


gatordev is right on the money, ever since I heard that line my buddies and I have been dying to see this movie...


Is it baseball season yet?
The Article said:
"Nothing in any of the manuals ever described anything like this," the 62-year-old Cross Lanes resident said. But the advice given 25 years earlier from his flight instructor immediately came to mind: "No matter what happens, fly the plane."

Was A4's his instructor? ;)

Edit: Also, his dog's name is Killer... was Brett his neighbor or something?


Working Plan B
Snakes On a PLane will make money, believe it.

It's already a cult classic and it hasn't even been released yet.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Time to go take a "Jay610" and flush twice...


Had lots of 'em --- snakes --- in the cockpit --- I just couldn't ever see 'em. :eek:

One time my Navy duties DID allow me to see one ... it was a big one. Up close and personal.

I was waving some STUDs down @ OLF Goliad. I had flown over early and after parking my bird I waltzed out to the little radio cart parked near the end of the runway on the grass. The ground crew had recently mowed everything except, of course, right underneath the LSO cart. The grass under it was @ 1 1/2 foot tall and came up to the bottom of the cart.

Blissfully unaware, I jumped up onto the cart, pulled my flight suit down and then off so I could take in some of the South Texas sun in shorts and T-shirt while waiting for the first Charlie to arrive overhead. I fired up the radios, sipped a Coke, and thought ... "life is good" or something similar.


The radio hum was then drowned out by that distinct "rattle" sound and I sensed "movement" under the cart. The fire crew said I went up @ 6 feet into the air and @ 12 horizontally as I flew without the assistance of any earthly means of support. Daedalus would have been proud.

The boys came over and captured the rattler --- they did this a lot at Goliad. It was nearly 6 feet long and mean ... well, as a snake. They put it in a cage and somehow produced a rat to keep the snake company overnight. In the morning, the rat was gone. :)

But the snake skin was impressive stretched out over the fire hose drying racks.

Better his skin than mine ... yes??? :)
