Seems the AF band needs a new tailor. I wouldn't be a fan of wearing a uniform with sleeves that go down to my knuckles.
you can get an MSM for playing in the band....?
It's the USAF, you can get an MSM as an E-6 or an O-3 just for showing up. The Army isn't any better and the Navy is catching up!
First formation in the battalion: LCpl getting awarded a NAM with V, citation sounded like more than what my CO did to get his Bronze Star. Apparently, they put him in for a NC with V, but because he was a LCpl, it got downgraded.Meanwhile, the Marine Corps will downgrade your MSM to a Meritorious Mast, give you a pat on the back during a formation, and then turn you loose to Field Day (after the Sergeant Major says his piece, of course).
First formation in the battalion: LCpl getting awarded a NAM with V, citation sounded like more than what my CO did to get his Bronze Star. Apparently, they put him in for a NC with V, but because he was a LCpl, it got downgraded.
Nor am I. I'm surprised Dakota Meyers didn't get NJP'd, after all he violated orders on his lead up to demonstrating why he clinks when he walks.(Yes, I am a huge fan of the current awards system...)
Meanwhile, the Marine Corps will downgrade your MSM to a Meritorious Mast, give you a pat on the back during a formation, and then turn you loose to Field Day (after the Sergeant Major says his piece, of course).
I always thought you guys gave out "sticky note of excellence"...
I always thought you guys gave out "sticky note of excellence"...
Can't do it in iAPS, especially while deployed.
PSW is currently embarked on USS Shithole, and can't get onto Blackboard for her Command & Staff classes... I email her discussions, then she emails me responses and I post them. But I guarantee that some Airman in FDC is having NO problem using Live Messenger to chit chat with his bitches...Yeah, because iAPS won't load on the boat because all of the bandwidth is used for "morale" (read: Every Sailor has to be on Facebook 24/7).
Service Sweter ("Wooly Pully"): See above. I could understand this sweater being useful decades ago when we wore Service uniforms every day, and worked out of Quonset Huts and squadbay barracks with no heat, but in 2011, most of us have relatively comfortable work environments...and only wear Service uniforms when we're on duty (or in trouble).