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Possible fake Naval aviator.

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HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Several individuals basically said that if he's not making any money doing it, don't bother him. If you read my second post in this thread closely, you would have noticed that he claims to lecture about his expierence. Who's to say he doesn't make money doing it? Don't his audiences (or at least the people booking him) have the right to know that he's full of it if he wasn't ever even in the United States Navy?

I wouldn't confront him if he was a comissioned officer in the Navy, even if he was lieing a bit. I would confront him if he was never in the Navy and he is making money off of a lie. People that did what he claims to have done fought and died for our freedom here. Falsification is an afront to people that were there.
Obviously this guy really gets to you. You're acting like a scorned gay lover. Everyone has said to drop it yet you keep begging us to tell you it's okay to confront an 83 year old guy and make him prove himself. Go ahead. Be that punk ass wet behind the ears dick head that gives the old guy a heart attack. While you're at it, go find some dogs to kick, steal some candy from some little kids and push a few old ladies in front of some cars.

Get a f'ing life and leave the old guy alone. I bet you were the kid always telling the teacher on his classmate.


Is it baseball season yet?
While I obviously don't have any clue what you're referring to, one of my Army ROTC classmates was prior service and was Special Forces tabbed. It was pretty strange to see an ROTC cadet walking around with a Special Forces tab on his left shoulder, but since he earned it he could wear it.

I asked him once why he went the ROTC route instead of OCS & he said he wanted the education along with the gold bar.

The Army used to give cadets the opportunity to attend Ranger School as well, but they stopped a few years before I got in college because a couple cadets got hurt pretty bad.

There's a 2/c here at the Academy who did a Summer "Cruise" at Ranger School. He was 2nd Overall, and 1st in his company or platoon or something. Anyway, I saw him walk by the other day in SDB's and it just looked wierd having a "Ranger" tab on the SDB sleeves. Never ever seen it before.


Eight-year-olds, Dude.
I thought everybody's avatar was a picture of themself!

This thread makes me feel like a piece of sh|t! This is bullsh|t!


Well-Known Member
Obviously this guy really gets to you. You're acting like a scorned gay lover. Everyone has said to drop it yet you keep begging us to tell you it's okay to confront an 83 year old guy and make him prove himself. Go ahead. Be that puke ass wet behind the ears dick head that gives the old guy a heart attack. While you're at it, go find some dogs to kick, steal some candy from some little kids and push a few old ladies in front of some cars.

Get a f'ing life and leave the old guy alone. I bet you were the kid always telling the teacher on his classmate.

HAL, you have attained Brett-like status on my list. :D


Okay, So whats the Speed of Dark?
Yes. Also on the list of those to be confronted, ROTC cadets in whites wearing fake tridents claiming to have seen action with "the teams" during Halloween festivities. If your on this board and your reading this, I stand by my words that night and you are a tool.

was that you lawman? you seemed cool in line at knotts. :D



I'm a Retired war hero from WW2. Durring the war I killed Fiddy men. Also durring the war I gots a Purple Hart cause the damn Tojo Blew my shins off.


Registered User
The mans 83. Hes probably gonna die before you finish debating whether to try and call him out or not. Fuggetabout it...


This was a bunch of ROTC cadets from some other school who came up for the Halloween festivities in their whites and all decided to wear fake rank insignia and tridents. There BS didnt jibe with me (22-25 year old O-4's anyone?) plus I havent met a SEAL yet who would wear his uniform as a Halloween Costume, let alone 5 of them.

Dude- haloween costume... get a grip.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Dude- haloween costume... get a grip.

No kidding. It does seem, in this thread and others like it, that the people most eager to go after alleged impostors, are the ones who are either college kid wanna bes, or people who are so junior that they generally don't know WTF they're talking about. Be it the octogenarian in the Costco, or some guys having fun on Halloween - who gives a flying fvck? Maybe the guy is legit, maybe not. Is this really the most important and pressing issue you have as you go about your day? Jesus fvcking Christ!



Well-Known Member
Ha ha! Yeah, thiscandidate...I mean what the hell were you thinking?? uuh..thiscandidate? ya there? sh!t, i think he bailed around post 22. looks like the only ones keeping this thread alive are us. I'm all for kicking this dead horse some more though.

Wanabe Jarhead

Registered User
OK OK I get it. I was under the impression that it was a big deal to bull**** about stuff like this, largely as a result of this article http://www.news-leader.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061014/NEWS01/610140369 I wasn't saying that he should be shot dead on sight or brought up on charges or anything... More than anything I just wanted to know because I see the guy pretty much every day.

Hal, how do you know so much about scorned gay lovers?


Well-Known Member
Dude- haloween costume... get a grip.

Ive got no problem with "some guy" wearing a military uniform for Halloween. Just like I have no problem with all the Cop uniforms or Firemen uniforms or anything of the like.

What was BS on this was two fold.

1. You've got an acting ROTC cadet(s) wearing a Service uniform with fake rank insignia and tridents in a public place while consuming booze like nobodys buisness and actually claiming to be what they are dressed up as. Not "yeah Im a Seal," but telling BS stories to try and get ass and calling eachother Commander and Lt. Now would that be cool if I as a Marine Corps Officer Candidate desided to throw on a set of Dress Blues and stick on some fake insignia and rank and start telling stories about what I did in Iraq? Maybe mention to you how I got that bronze star? Would that crap fly infront of anybody on this board? Could I come to your party and pull that crap infront of any of you or your fellow servicemen and women?

2. These guys were by definition of their costume and the fact that they were claiming to be what they were dressed as representing the Armed Force, The Navy, and Seals specifically. While doing so they were just plain acting like asses and eventually got themselves thrown out of a bar for trying to start a fight.

So yeah guys like that need to get their head pulled out for them.

The old guy that this thread was started about, Im with everybody else on this. Visit my mothers nursing home some time, there isnt a day goes buy that somebody wants to tell me a story about "their time" and I know some of them arent for real, they are just looking for attention not anything special.


What was BS on this was two fold.

1. You've got an acting ROTC cadet(s) wearing a Service uniform with fake rank insignia and tridents in a public place while consuming booze like nobodys buisness and actually claiming to be what they are dressed up as. Not "yeah Im a Seal," but telling BS stories to try and get ass and calling eachother Commander and Lt. Now would that be cool if I as a Marine Corps Officer Candidate desided to throw on a set of Dress Blues and stick on some fake insignia and rank and start telling stories about what I did in Iraq? Maybe mention to you how I got that bronze star? Would that crap fly infront of anybody on this board? Could I come to your party and pull that crap infront of any of you or your fellow servicemen and women?

2. These guys were by definition of their costume and the fact that they were claiming to be what they were dressed as representing the Armed Force, The Navy, and Seals specifically. While doing so they were just plain acting like asses and eventually got themselves thrown out of a bar for trying to start a fight.

So yeah guys like that need to get their head pulled out for them.

Hmph... so, guys go to Haloween festivites dressed in quasi realistic costume and proceed to play the role throughout the night... trying to get laid by a bunch of girls dressing as slvts (since haloween is the one night of they year they can do that and not get called on it by other girls). They happen to be ROTC MIDN- publicly ridicule them for being tools if you really want to take your time away from your own fun.

If you showed up to a costume party with a bunch of military people as what you said, id ridicule you for being a tool too... There was at least one dude prarading around in a flight suit at jax beach in a costume... most likely a MIDN. Thought he was a tool, but didn't say anything because it was Haloween and he was in costume (yes including squadron patches and nametags in all)... and it didn't matter

Like I said before- Haloween + costume = get a grip
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