I think living as a traitor to your country is probably a fate worse than death.
I've always wondered how I would act/respond as a POW (I know, I know. I'll get a HINT of it at SERE), but watching the documentaries of the guys in the Hanoi Hilton is MAJORLY inspiring.
I forget names, but hearing about how
the one gentleman, who was going to be used in a propaganda shoot, shaved a strip in his head, was given a hat to cover up his "work" and then he subsequently bashed himself in the face and cut himself with a piece of broken glass to prevent this....AMAZING. Some of these guys did absolutely amazing and unfathomable things to prevent the enemy from doing the most seemingly innocuous things to their benefit.
Even John Mccain, son of a VERY important Admiral, who had the chance to leave, said "HELL NO. I'm not leaving without my men" (obviously, not a direct quote
). It sounds obvious in the comfort of our own homes, but being constantly tortured for days/weeks/months/years on end, this could easily become a simple solution.
While the presence of the "rat-finks" may leave a bitter taste in the mouth, these folks who did all they could for their country's honor and their own far outweigh the bad of the few less-than-honorable ones...