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Primitive tribe in Brazil, never had contact with civilization until now


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
They don't even have cars! Why would the need Geico?!
Did you see the thatching on their roof? I'm sure it doesn't rain much in a freaking rain forest but, all it takes is a small downpour and wham, your 50"HD plasma no worky.:D What about liability insurance? Shooting bows and arrows like that at "the Gods". If they hit me, I would sue them for the shirt off their back! So easy a caveman can do it.
Here's a photo about another tribe photographed from the air recently:



Kool-Aid free since 2001.
If they hit me, I would sue them for the shirt off their back!

Well, let's be honest now - I don't think you'd get much if you went after their shirts. Now, maybe you could sue from one of those sweet grass loin skirt things and a blow gun. That'd be cool as shit!


Well-Known Member
If they hit me, I would sue them for the shirt off their back! QUOTE]

Now, maybe you could sue from one of those sweet grass loin skirt things and a blow gun. That'd be cool as shit!

UNGAWA! Thanks for a great laugh.



Kinder and Gentler
So uncontacted tribes are under threat from logging over the border in Peru. Isn't it about time to contact them? It seems that even though they're blissfully living away in the Amazon, they should at least be made aware of clean running water, Neosporin, and Anchor Steam, dontcha think?

I pray that this tribe is not rushed with a swarm of anthropologists intent on imposing their ideals and norms onto this people.

Additionally, as to infection and illness, as long as they were uncontacted by "Westerners", the likelihood of them contacting "western" diseases is minimal. As all of us have acquired immunity to the common illnesses, this tribe has not had the ability to evolve natural immunities so if contacted by outsiders, I would not be surprised to see a decrease in their population.


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
I pray that this tribe is not rushed with a swarm of anthropologists intent on imposing their ideals and norms onto this people.

Additionally, as to infection and illness, as long as they were uncontacted by "Westerners", the likelihood of them contacting "western" diseases is minimal. As all of us have acquired immunity to the common illnesses, this tribe has not had the ability to evolve natural immunities so if contacted by outsiders, I would not be surprised to see a decrease in their population.

Nah, the missionaries will get em first.


Kinder and Gentler
If I was a television producer, I would have a death match between the missionaries and anthropologists. Survivors get to make first contact with this tribe...

... and find themselves on the losing end of poisoned spears.


Super Moderator
I pray that this tribe is not rushed with a swarm of anthropologists intent on imposing their ideals and norms onto this people.

National Geographic had an article recently where they talked about the Brazilian agency that handles this kind of thing has changed its policy from intervention and contact to one of non-interference.


Kinder and Gentler
National Geographic had an article recently where they talked about the Brazilian agency that handles this kind of thing has changed its policy from intervention and contact to one of non-interference.

Yes, much like the Brazilian government has laws restricting, and making illegal, logging in certain areas of the Brazilian forest. I imagine if they can't stop people from illegal logging then can we expect them to protect these tribes from interfering busybodies?


Super Moderator
Yes, much like the Brazilian government has laws restricting, and making illegal, logging in certain areas of the Brazilian forest. I imagine if they can't stop people from illegal logging then can we expect them to protect these tribes from interfering busybodies?

You wanna risk going to a Brazilian prison? Maybe not as bad as a Turkish one, but I imagine it is no picnic.....:D
Yes, much like the Brazilian government has laws restricting, and making illegal, logging in certain areas of the Brazilian forest. I imagine if they can't stop people from illegal logging then can we expect them to protect these tribes from interfering busybodies?

I'm not a scientist but I'd venture a guess that there are a tad bit more trees in Brazil than native villages.