Since everyone else is giving anecdotes, I'll give you the three folks that struggled in my JO tour:So if you aren't a pilot you don't owe 8 yrs? I am not sure what a YG is but if I had to become an NFO I wouldn't mind the commitment, but I don't want to do pilot commitment in a SWO position. Would that be a skipper or an XO conversation? Not too keen on showing any intention of quitting to the front office. And lastly, is a pocr board in response to a DOR or from a FNAEB
1. Never made aircraft commander, strongly pressured to DOR and she did. I believe she applied for PAO at the POCR board and was not picked up. She's now a financial saleswoman.
2. Another guy DOR'd as a result of finding what we do too dangerous. Same story: he tried to get re-assigned to another community but was ultimately released from the Navy.
3. Third guy struggled, command didn't follow through on his paperwork for a FNAEB. Eventually just got a non-production job, did his disassociated gig, and is now in business school.
I'm not a detailer nor have I ever worked at PERS. You still owe the Navy that time. But if they don't have a job for you, they don't have a job for you and you're out as far as I'm aware. When you DOR, you go through a POCR board (don't ask me what that means) that allows to be eligible to lat transfer. With that said, I assume, as others have stated, that your community might instead just hold onto you and say "let me welcome you to the wonderful world of boat jobs we have in store" after they give you a non-production shore tour.
Look: as others have stated - many people struggle to get a higher level qual. Keep the press on.