I'm interested at the least at how much banter this has generated on AW for a minor change in the law. Being a former Army Aviator / Officer and knowing a lot of LE officers, I know there are somethings that exist with all Military officers, Commanders, LE Officers, FED Agents and the like, and that is this: Discretion, Due Diligence, Investigative skill, Freedom to use skills, training and experience to find out what is really going on and determine if there is something unjust, not normal, or plain criminal going on right before your eyes. All the DOD / Military people that defend our great nation, what is so hard to understand when Illegal Immigration starts effecting your way of life to the point where you fear for you life, liberty and ability to survive. AZ, NM, TX and CA have problems and not enough FED man power to deal with it. There is literally a WAR going on there. I don't quite understand what you all have against the state standing up to plate and making it official law to be able to check your status, and there are Driver's licenses that do show Citizenship status, they are called "enhanced" driver's licenses and are part of the WHTI or "Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative". If you are willing to go to a foreign land and defend freedom for the citizens you are and who you represent, then don't hamstring those who decide to do it from within the borders or your own country who do the same thing here. I am positive, if there is a true infringment of civil rights and the fact that someone get's detained too long in their opinion to figure out their identity and where they reside or where they were born or how they became a citizen or Legal permanent resident or are on a current Visa status, that the law states if you are here for that purpose, you must carry the valid documentation at all times, they will deal with it accordingly. It's not bad to have an opinion or debate about this, but I am widely suprised to see that most of you who are already employed by the DOD thinking that this is such a raw deal. Just my .02 on this. But you should consider what citizens are actually dealing with with criminals (not just illegals but violent illegals, the same types of extremists we are dealing with overseas) who come across the border with nothing but ill intentions. If you are coming here for the American Dream, we welcome you with open arms, get a visa, go to immigration, get the paperwork, take the patriotic test and oath and become a citizen. It's not hard and it's far from impossible. This is diluting our economy, it's increasing our unemployment rate and throwing our deficit through the throws of being non-recoverable. Arizona is simply taking action.