"Waterbury logged in over 5,000 hours without an accident and 4,000 sirtues known as attacks made by troops coming out from a position of defense."
We had an Army Reserve MSGT when I was in Iraq, civil affairs guy who had white hair, and DFAS stopped paying him after his 62nd birthday.
There was a USAF LtCol at Whiting about ten years ago (VT people will remember him) and he was really mad as his 62nd birthday was approaching. I flew with him the week before the date and told him, "Ya know, they are literally going to stop paying you, not that you don't know already. I've seen it happen to a deployed guy."
We had a medical guy drilling at my NOSC (can't remember if he was a doc), Navy Reserve CDR, who'd enlisted as a Corspman prior to the fall of Saigon. The reserves actually kept him on past 62 but not by much, maybe only a year or two IIRC.