Thanks for the reply Chuck. I've actually heard of the MIT OCW one before I used to be an avid reader of
Phil Greenspun's aviation writing. He has a blog now too but his politics don't really line up with mine...
I was misdiagnosed with ADHD in the late 2010s, so I needed a waiver from Big Navy in order to commission 3 years ago. I imagine the FAA medical will ask if I've
ever been treated or diagnosed for it, which I assume is the only real stumbling block I'll face medically.
I'm in no rush to get the PPL but I do want to make the most efficient use of my time: between the day job, the Reserves and two kids I need to make sure my time is spent wisely where possible. I'm definitely aware of "the more often you fly, the easier it'll be to remember stuff" mantra!