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Random Griz Aviation Musings


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
Got out by myself today.. Thankfully none of my kids available. I like flying with them but I enjoy solo time. Flew by my cove and general sight seeing with some fun stuff for .9 on the day.
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It is a lovely day along the coast. I managed to put in 1.2 this morning...not a bump in the sky.
Got a free air show when a plopter flew by in his way to Anacostia. It is a lousy iPhone shot, but you can almost see him in the yellow circle...he was much closer and easy to make out in actual.



Registered User
If I was a multi-millionaire, I'd probably be seriously looking for one of those, (after I bought my DA62). Partly for the nostalgia, partly because they're just fun.

Any idea what the story is/was on this one? It has the ventral fins, so it looks like it's got most of the NAVAIR upgrades except NACWS, which the satellite birds never got anyway.

This one and it's sister (also painted in AD colors) were imported. I remember seeing a YT-34C at Oshkosh in the late 90's, so I asked this ones story. He said the pair were imported from South America, Argentina maybe? They looked brand new with all glass panels. I thought they were low safe planes until I looked inside.


Professional Pot Stirrer
It was great here until the overcast broke. Then it got hot and a little bumpy.. So I landed.. Was gonna go sight seeing at Pickwick and along the Tombigbee water way but changed my mind.. Spent all day there yesterday with another FedEx bud and Marine Hornet dude (Moose).


Well-Known Member
It is a lovely day along the coast. I managed to put in 1.2 this morning...not a bump in the sky.
Got a free air show when a plopter flew by in his way to Anacostia. It is a lousy iPhone shot, but you can almost see him in the yellow circle...he was much closer and easy to make out in actual.

View attachment 26390

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
It is a lovely day along the coast. I managed to put in 1.2 this morning...not a bump in the sky.
Got a free air show when a plopter flew by in his way to Anacostia. It is a lousy iPhone shot, but you can almost see him in the yellow circle...he was much closer and easy to make out in actual.

View attachment 26390

Is that reflection part of a sky dong??? ?

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War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Was into the CAF Museum where the Southwest Chapter of the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation has their UH-1B Gunship on loan. Swapped out the 7 shot rocket pods for the 19 shot pods.
I love working with these guys. Guy on left was an Army armorer, gunship crew chief and gunner. And here he is over 50 years later loading up a racket pod just like he did in so many times in Vietnam. Guy on the right was a Huey slick pilot in Vietnam with over 3000 hours in the Huey. The story of the day was when on the deck waiting for casualties, a VC came running towards the helicopter from the front. The copilot yells to the only gunner still aboard to shoot him. The gunner can't get his M-60 around to the front for the shot, He starts to fumble with the latch to get it detached from the mount. Now the AC is screaming shoot the MFer shoot, shoot.! The frustrated gunner picks up his M-16 and shoots over the ACs shoulder through the front windscreen. Copilot flew back. The repair was for "small arms ground fire".


Standing by for the RIF !
This one and it's sister (also painted in AD colors) were imported. I remember seeing a YT-34C at Oshkosh in the late 90's, so I asked this ones story. He said the pair were imported from South America, Argentina maybe? They lo

No offense taken and never meant to imply @ChuckMK23 was wrong. Like I said, I’m 14+ years out of GA currency and longer out of instructing.

Good discussion
No worries at all!


Standing by for the RIF !
This one and it's sister (also painted in AD colors) were imported. I remember seeing a YT-34C at Oshkosh in the late 90's, so I asked this ones story. He said the pair were imported from South America, Argentina maybe? They looked brand new with all glass panels. I thought they were low safe planes until I looked inside.
@xmid you will be happy to know that unique YT-34C prototype is in good hands and makes annual appearances at Oshkosh - I snapped a pic of it on Mentor Row at Oshkosh in 2018



Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!