What are people usually NPQ'd for after OCS? Is it mainly a pilot thing or should the rest of us be worried? I can't imagine going through everything just to get booted out the door at the last minute, if not for your career for your mental sanity.
It is rare, but it happens to other designators sometimes. If you aren't going aviation, you will probably be struck by lightning before you get NPQed at OCS. I knew of two people in the last 6 months. Both nukes/NUPOC. One had started taking some psychiatric medication and no one caught it prior to him going to OCS (even though he gave the Navy the required updates or whatever), and the other had something weird in his eye. The nuke community ended up allowing the latter to stay on as a USNR power school instructor in Charleston (not normally an OCS gig, DCO I think), likely to get their investment back. So he only sort-of counts because he still ended up commissioning.
How does a person get NPQ when it comes to anthros?
1. Sitting height, which in laymen's terms is a very long back (I had this, damn stumpy legs!)
2. Long thigh...basically back of your ass to your knee can be too long.
3. Short arms, usually happens to tiny females.
I think that's it.
In a way this is the mother of all whammies because you usually have no idea that it is coming and it isn't waiverable (at least for new aviators).