Perchal, are you familiar with the phrase “never trust a monkey?” I think your nympho friend blows. The facilities are quit nice, unless your one of those rich kids who got a 2006 Ford Excursion for a graduation present…just bustin your balls.
I’m living off base right now, and very seriously considering moving on base as I move up to whiting. I just went up there today and took a tour it is about the same size as what I had in Quantico, and shared with 4 other Jars, only it comes with a couch, tv, living/kitchen area, and bedroom. You can even order maid service in a package of $3 per day * 3 days per week, and that my friend is a no $hiter.
Yeah, what Vic says is a no sh!ter, I’ve heard that same thing from a lot of people. If you want to make money off the BAH, that’s what I was doing, but time driving and gas are making the Q look good + you don’t have to worry about the house not being quiet for study time. Some of the Academy engineering superheroes may have been fine, but I was a study-stress-whore during the first 4 weeks of API - locked in my room with nothing but coffee, mountain dew, and dip…the diet of champions…you won’t want to waste time driving.
With the Firearms, I’ve known a few people that were just discrete and had no problems. If your worried about it, you can get a climate controlled storage shed for less than $25/month, I haven’t found out if there is an armory, or what the official rules are yet, but I’ll let you know in a few days.