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Return of Turboprops to CAS role?


Milk and Honey
Alright...Alright...I'm gonna stop screaming from the top of my lungs that I want the brass to punch a politician in tha face IOT to make something like this happen .... I'm shuttin up...until it happens!! No but Seriously...


Working Plan B
The mohawk looks like an he-111. the tucano looks like a spitfire / p-40.

they should fight to teh death.

And on second thought, no... not really.


I'm here for the Jeeehawd!
That job went away a LONG time ago. They were using OV-10's as spray planes to hose the coca plants with round up. After a few were shot down they switched to A-10's. Haven't heard anything about it in a long time.

They're still advertising for positions every quarter in one of the aerial application trade magazines for guys to fly Broncos and turbine Thrushes. East, Inc I think it is. We share a hangar with their training detachment at ABQ when we go down there.


Retired Strike Pig Driver
The latest on the AT-6B is that the procurement program is somewhat on hold until the USAF can figure out what's going to happen with the new administration.

Seeing as how Gates is remaining the SECDEF, it's definitely plausible that the AT-6B will go full bore again. The last timeframe I heard as of late November was that it was going to be about two years before a squadron was at combat capability if they said 'go' before the end of the year.


Have to Fly, Have to Fight, Have to Crow!
OV10 In National Geographic Explorer Aug 2003
(American War on Drugs and DynCorp OV-10's)



Super Moderator
OV10 In National Geographic Explorer Aug 2003
("American War on Drugs") DynCorp 0V-10's

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/tkpSfxYWvlk&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/tkpSfxYWvlk&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Is THIS what you meant?


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Think I just found me a retirement job. Just gotta freshen' up the ol' Espanol.


Uncle Pettibone
wave off, wave off....

Unless the airfarce's technocratic service culture flip flops there is absolutely a snowballs chance in hell that this plane will get funded. It may be the right plane in the right fight at times (doubtful IMO), but it ain't sexy, it ain't cutting edge and thus won't recruit booger eating wussies to fly em. Watching the assclowns in AFPME sissy slap fight over bombers, fighters, logistics, cyber and space makes me giggle, they don't get that they are a cog in a gigundous machine (they think it's all bout them!). The airfarce through history has had more allegiance to its arms and toys than to the service or the country as a whole... read MacArthur's Airman (GC Kenney book), Billy Mitchell (Hurley), Masks of War (Builder) or Rise of the fighter Generals (worden)... see if you come to the same jaded conclusion.


Reading the grout jokes
I may have missed the answer to this question..and if so I apologize. I understand the need for a "Sandy" type aircraft in the inventory, but why can't the A-10 fill this role. It's slow enough, packs ludicrious firepower, and last time I checked it could take a hell of alot more punishment then a T-6......


wave off, wave off....

Unless the airfarce's technocratic service culture flip flops there is absolutely a snowballs chance in hell that this plane will get funded. It may be the right plane in the right fight at times (doubtful IMO), but it ain't sexy, it ain't cutting edge and thus won't recruit booger eating wussies to fly em. Watching the assclowns in AFPME sissy slap fight over bombers, fighters, logistics, cyber and space makes me giggle, they don't get that they are a cog in a gigundous machine (they think it's all bout them!). The airfarce through history has had more allegiance to its arms and toys than to the service or the country as a whole... read MacArthur's Airman (GC Kenney book), Billy Mitchell (Hurley), Masks of War (Builder) or Rise of the fighter Generals (worden)... see if you come to the same jaded conclusion.

Is it ever going to come to a time when we are just going to want to do away with the Airfarce? Is anyone anytime soon going to rise to a position of power within the bureaucracy an change a few things.
I think the right question is whether it is cheaper to build a newer A-10(probably a new aircrafy altogether) or modify the T-6 to get the job done. About 200 T-6 in the inventory is probably all we need to augment the aging A-10 fleet.


Retired Strike Pig Driver
I may have missed the answer to this question..and if so I apologize. I understand the need for a "Sandy" type aircraft in the inventory, but why can't the A-10 fill this role. It's slow enough, packs ludicrious firepower, and last time I checked it could take a hell of alot more punishment then a T-6......

1. There aren't enough of them as is, and a bunch of them are currently grounded.

2. They don't have two seats or a long loiter time.

3. They aren't currently in production, and thus can't be sold/given to the air forces of the countries we're supporting -- which is a cornerstone of the program.

Is it ever going to come to a time when we are just going to want to do away with the Airfarce?



Retired Strike Pig Driver
wave off, wave off....

Unless the airfarce's technocratic service culture flip flops there is absolutely a snowballs chance in hell that this plane will get funded. It may be the right plane in the right fight at times (doubtful IMO), but it ain't sexy, it ain't cutting edge and thus won't recruit booger eating wussies to fly em.

I'll reserve you some crow. Care to put money on it, too?

Watching the assclowns in AFPME sissy slap fight over bombers, fighters, logistics, cyber and space makes me giggle, they don't get that they are a cog in a gigundous machine (they think it's all bout them!).

And the semen who measure dicks in similar fights between Aviation, surface warfare, and the subs are perfectly fine, eh?


is out to lunch.
I think the right question is whether it is cheaper to build a newer A-10(probably a new aircrafy altogether) or modify the T-6 to get the job done. About 200 T-6 in the inventory is probably all we need to augment the aging A-10 fleet.

So where do you get that 200 aircraft number from? Just wondering.


So where do you get that 200 aircraft number from? Just wondering.

Pulled it out of my a$$. But at about 15 aircraft per Squadron, we could get about 12 Squadron. 6 Actvie Duty, 2 Reserves and 4 for the Guard which leaves about 20 for Test and Evaluation Squadron's.