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Back from the range
Make sure you know your audience before you trot out that speech either to your community or -43. If I was in your position I would go out of my way not to sound like a tool.

Your warning came too late :D


I guess it came across to you different than intended. Danger of electronic communication. Upon reread, it does sound somewhat pompus (and if you know me that is not the case). I will try to rephrase. I think that a percentage of our best talent leave for a grass is greener philosophy. I think the grass isn't greener, it is just different grass. We should probably do a little more soul searching on what we want out of any career before pulling the trigger.


Back from the range
I guess it came across to you different than intended. Danger of electronic communication.

Indeed, that does happen. FWIW the going the Reserve route can be a good one and I flew with 209 for eight years after I got out. At the end my civilian job and family demands just got too darn hard to do along with flying in the Reserves so I did the on-line course work the last two years to finish out my twenty. It did allow me to spend 18 of my 20 years in the cockpit. In that time we did have a couple guys that went back on active duty either as TARS or Active.

People often go into the Navy with many ideas about what it will be like, what will motivate them, what will make them stay in and what will make them get out. They Navy's idea of a successful career should never impede on your idea of a successful career nor should you assume that your idea of successful career is the same as anyone else's.


Bert and Pugs....hopefully the edit sounds a little better. See, I still have some of that JO "open mouth insert foot" left in me.



Were you at the Halifax airshow in 2001? I know there were two 209 birds there. I have a good friend in the SAU who thinks it might be the best route. I would have to find another employer to help feed the rugrats. He mentioned there might even be a possibility of 209 moving to the Rock.

In the end, it might be all for nothing but I at least want to give it a shot.


Back from the range

Were you at the Halifax airshow in 2001? I know there were two 209 birds there.

Yep, good time! The Canadians throw a good party.

He mentioned there might even be a possibility of 209 moving to the Rock.[/I]

I've been away from the squadron a couple years so fly-in-spy would have better info but having flown with both 309 (the former CVWR-30 Reserve squadron at NUW for those that do not know) and having been with 209 the population of Reserve Aircrew and maintainers in the DC/Mid-Atlantic region is much more appropriately skilled to keep a Prowler squadron staffed. That's a nice way of saying something :) Good guys in 309, don't get me wrong, but when you have a group of Reserve ECMO's who work in the Intel and DoD business (for the most part) they bring a tremendous amount of insight and skills to the Reserve job. When there used to be weekend Reserve airlifts they might have pulled it off but given I flew one night a week and at least one and often two weekends a month it would be tough to get the crew.

I'd me more concerned that when the Navy Prowlers go away that 209 either gets Golf's or that we align the maintenance program with the Marines if 209 is going to stay around.


I was one of the JOs in the 133 birds that year. I remember that you guys couldn't believe that our skipper (E.T.) was crazy enough to let two birds full of JOs go on the road to Halifax without adult supervision. Nothing like the beer gal throwing you a cold Labatt's up to the cockpit before you have a chance to disconnect your gear!

That is a good point about the brain power resident in the DC area!


Back from the range
I was one of the JOs in the 133 birds that year. I remember that you guys couldn't believe that our skipper (E.T.) was crazy enough to let two birds full of JOs go on the road to Halifax without adult supervision. Nothing like the beer gal throwing you a cold Labatt's up to the cockpit before you have a chance to disconnect your gear!

That is a good point about the brain power resident in the DC area!

Yep, E.T. is a good guy. Boomer and I were in 141 together on my first tour. Let's say DC brainpower at the ECMO level, (OK, OK and spy) the rest of this place constantly challenges the meaning of sanity!

Good gouge there for guys, try and get on the Shearwater airshow list for this summer!


Here is what I have so far from the MILPERSMAN. The magic number is three years. You can request reappointment through an officer recruiter if you have been out less than three years. You need some basics such as a physical, SF86, etc. They will adjust your DOR but you will go back into your original designator. I guess from there you can request to be recalled to active duty. Still don't know the part about picking back up in the Prowler community (haven't talked to a detailer yet). I guess the best case (although highly unlikely) scenario would be to go through a CAT IV syllabus and then on to a squadron training officer tour. DH tour after that and then who knows. Like I said, just guesses until I get a hold of the detailer.


Here is what I have so far from the MILPERSMAN. The magic number is three years. You can request reappointment through an officer recruiter if you have been out less than three years. You need some basics such as a physical, SF86, etc. They will adjust your DOR but you will go back into your original designator. I guess from there you can request to be recalled to active duty. Still don't know the part about picking back up in the Prowler community (haven't talked to a detailer yet). I guess the best case (although highly unlikely) scenario would be to go through a CAT IV syllabus and then on to a squadron training officer tour. DH tour after that and then who knows. Like I said, just guesses until I get a hold of the detailer.
You better get on the ball then. You got out in Sep '05 right? He's a Marine, but just ask phrog73 how long it took to get back in after he resigned his commission and wanted to get back in less than 6(?) months later.


Well-Known Member
You better get on the ball then. You got out in Sep '05 right? He's a Marine, but just ask phrog73 how long it took to get back in after he resigned his commission and wanted to get back in less than 6(?) months later.
EAS: 15 May 2007
Contacted HMM-774/PSR: 29 Aug 2007 (3 months, 14 days after EAS)
Accepted Reserve Commission: 01 Mar 2008 (6 months, 1 day after first contact)
4th MAW approved join request to HMM-774: 22 Apr 2008
Joined to HMM-774: 28 Apr 2008, first drill 02 May.

All total, from the time I contacted the recruiter to my first drill was 8 months, 3 days. I don't know if the Navy's more efficient, or if it was my recruiter, or what - but you see the potential is there for a long time. For what it's worth, I went to a BBQ the OpsO was having on Saturday - and there was a former CO there (he's retired). He suggested that I write an article for the Gazette, because as he pointed out - the Reserves are screaming for people, but when they get people who want to come back, it takes almost a year...

Huggy Bear

Registered User

A question, and an observation.

Why the resignation? That seems like a pretty dramatic step when one can just quietly separate. Did you really "resign"?


You know the prowler community has really taken it on the chin for IAs. I guess you were in for that. I would think you be a prime candidate for a tour in Iraq. You probably know that already; just food for thought.



A question, and an observation.

Why the resignation? That seems like a pretty dramatic step when one can just quietly separate. Did you really "resign"?

No real good answer here, I guess I will give you the JO salute on this one (shrug my shoulders with the "I don't know" look on my face).


You know the prowler community has really taken it on the chin for IAs. I guess you were in for that. I would think you be a prime candidate for a tour in Iraq. You probably know that already; just food for thought.

Great point and the fact that I was a PTI might even make me a juicier candidate. It is what it is and I can't say, "Bring me back as long as I don't have to take a crappy orders". I guess I will try to control what I can and leave the rest to God.