1) Plays on name 2) Personality traits/quirks 3) Professional buffoonery/stupidity.
Yea, there are varying origins for fleet squadron callsigns... name plays are probably most common i.e.,
"Dusty" Rhodes;
"Bug" Roach;
"Killer" Kane. etc.
In my fleet Squadron VA-146, we had a kind of short, stumpy, prematurely balding red head: plop a green derby on his head, and he would resemble (and became)
Same squadron, mid-cruise on Yankee ops, our CO became disoriented leading a multi-division strike (heading indicator failure), headed for feet dry on Hainan (Red China), vice NVN
roughly a 140 deg. error!. Immediately course was corrected by section leaders. Post mission, a JOPA consensus decreed a C/S change for the Skipper to
"Prince", as in
Prince Henry, The Navigator. Skip' was a good sport, and took it well. That could have been deadly, as a short time later on 21 August '67, a division from our A-6 Sqdn launched on a strike. The lead VA-196 CO, was shot down over Hanoi (POWx2), of the remaining 3... while circumnavigating a thunderstorm to the north, crossed the border and 2 more were shot down by MIGs (3 KIA, 1 POW), and only 1 Intruder escaped and made it home. This, in addition to losing a Phantom that day to AAA, made it a BAAAD day for CVW-14.
*As one wise AW once said... "It ain't all Choker Whites and Dining Ins"!
Apologize for semi-threadjack, but it is Memorial Week, and we don't want to forget these fallen Shipmates.