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Romney opts out of Presidental Race

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New Member
Condoleezza Rice as VP???
What is everyone's thoughts on this? Do you think it is possible? Might be interesting, however probably very unlikely......


Nihongo dame desu
I think McCain seems to be trying to distance himself, of late, from GWB, so Condi seems like an unlikely choice.


Well-Known Member
RetreadRand said:
I thought about that too, but then realized that Romney is claiming to be a conservative...and too conservative to get the needed middle and fence voters...(granted he is another waffler who was the MASS...Gov...so who knows)
McCain will get the conservative vote anyway...its not like they are going to vote for Obama or Hillary just to NOT vote for McCain.

Oh-YEAH??? :D

You underestimate the power of the dark side, sir.


Nihongo dame desu
Ann Coulter is a bitter, vile human being. What she also is is someone who gets paid for being provocative. She's an actress who whores herself out for ratings and does anything to get her ridiculous vitriol into the public eye.

I also wouldn't be completely shocked if she did this to hurt HRC's campaign and the Clintons themselves. For most democrats and moderates, Ann Coulter is a blond satan reincarnate, so her support could be a kiss of death for undecideds. As foul as she is, she is also clever and I wouldn't put it past her.


Well-Known Member
I know, I know. I just had SUCH a good counter-example ready to go, and I couldn't help it. Ann Coulter is the debil, and I doubt very many conservatives feel the way she does.


Registered User
That would court the Conservative, Black and Women voting blocs, all in one fell swoop.

Except that the far left has been bashing her for so long, you'd think she was Katherine Harris.

The left wing kook smear machine has long been attacking her and trying to marginalize her.

I like her, but to the lefties you'd think she was the reincanation of the president.


RetreadRand said:
Let's not forget that Hillary was once a Republican...and was pretty moderate to conservative (for a democrat) until she started her presidential bid (Iraq for example)

I take as much stock into what Ann Coulter says as to what my ass says.
I think what your ass would have to say is more entertaining and valid that anything she could ever fathom from that disgusting anorexic corpse of hers.


Well-Known Member
I have no political affiliation and even I would never in this lifetime want either democratic candidate running this country. Both will destroy the military and raise taxes beyond what I consider to be high. The only people who stand to benefit will be the "poor"(aka the unmotivated, generally speaking) and those who stand to lose the most will be the middle class. The only reasonable candidate is McCain and I like the fact that he is disliked by much of his own party because that just tells me he is much more likely to do the right thing.

. . . . finally, 48 posts and some semblance of sanity. Concur completely.


Kinder and Gentler
That would court the Conservative, Black and Women voting blocs, all in one fell swoop.

No, that would not court the Black voting bloc. In general, Condelezza os adamantly disliked by the Black community; her accomplishments are respected but she certainly doesn't receive loyalty from the Black community by virtue of her skin complexion. If you had said, "that would court the conservative, Black female voting bloc," I would agree with you. It would have gotten all eleven of them!:D


No, that would not court the Black voting bloc. In general, Condelezza os adamantly disliked by the Black community; her accomplishments are respected but she certainly doesn't receive loyalty from the Black community by virtue of her skin complexion. If you had said, "that would court the conservative, Black female voting bloc," I would agree with you. It would have gotten all eleven of them!:D
I hope you are not implying that there are only 11 intelligent black women who belong to the party of Lincoln and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr[SIZE=-1]‽[/SIZE] :D


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
I have no political affiliation and even I would never in this lifetime want either democratic candidate running this country. Both will destroy the military and raise taxes beyond what I consider to be high.

Sen. Obama would have to disagree with you...

To renew American leadership in the world, we must immediately begin working to revitalize our military. A strong military is, more than anything, necessary to sustain peace.

We should expand our ground forces by adding 65,000 soldiers to the army and 27,000 marines. Bolstering these forces is about more than meeting quotas. We must recruit the very best and invest in their capacity to succeed. That means providing our servicemen and servicewomen with first-rate equipment, armor, incentives, and training -- including in foreign languages and other critical skills.

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