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Ron Paul


It's up on youtube; dunno if linking would be kosher, but it's not hard to find.


Working Plan B
Seizing ships on the high seas isn't quite the same as running around in sovereign nations with your own private army.

Reasons to be a SWO:

- The PRIZE!



Working Plan B
I am curious, those of you who claim to be internationalist and interventionalist: What would youre reaction be if China, started expeditionary missions here to instill some sort of Communist state? To make the world safe for Communism?

I have a long answer to this I will likely save til after Xmas but in short, they won't

a) because they never would want to, they aren't perfect subscriptors to realist theory, and

b) you require at least an interventionalist-postured military to keep things cool in East Asia, even if you never have to fire a single shot.


Interesting video on youtube about our tax system and the IRS, America: Freedom to Fascism. I don't know how slanted it is, if at all, but I know Ron Paul believes in it.

(part 1 of 11)


He bowls overhand.
I like a lot of Ron Paul's views, and I certainly admire his consistency in the world of politics. Having said that, I cannot picture this guy being my boss should I get picked up for the Navy.

The President's main, effective role is how he runs foreign policy. All the other debating points from hot-topics like abortion to the economy really don't matter as much because the President has very little realistic control over them. But he does have direct control of our military, at least for the short term, so foreign policy should be weighed more heavily when choosing a candidate.

I believe that we should try to stay out of foreign affairs as much as possible, but exceptions also have to be made. For example, I think it's deplorable that we did nothing about the Rwandan genocide when we easily could have diffused the situation.

The best thing Paul could do for the future of the country is run as an independent. If he does do that, the Republican party will be forced to pick up some of his ideas that are both good and workable and popularize them -- things like smaller government, more conservative spending in general, a straightforward stance on gun control, and strict adherance to the Constitution, etc.

McCain for commander-in-chief, Paul for advisor on how to cut down our extremely wasteful and beaurocracy-ridden federal government.


The title doesn't give you a clue?

I've always liked the adage, "Never judge a book by it's cover". Consequently, I've given the first 9 parts a chance and some of it is very plausible and well defended, especially with regards to the IRS. Give it a chance.


I've always liked the adage, "Never judge a book by it's cover". Consequently, I've given the first 9 parts a chance and some of it is very plausible and well defended, especially with regards to the IRS. Give it a chance.
You can follow whatever adages you like and backhandedly call me close minded. I can read the title. I also watched the first 6 screens:

Screen 1 said:
In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act. --George Orwell
Screen 2 said:
An All Your Freedoms Production
Screen 3 said:
I set out on a journey to make a film about whether or not there was a law requiring Americans to pay an income tax ... or was the tax a fraud being perpetrated by the American government.
Screen 4 said:
The process of discovery brought something much more dangerous and frightening to my attention ... now I will bring it to yours.
Screen 5 said:
In 1913 America was a free country. Then a band of powerful bankers achieved their father's, and great grandfather's goal.

America has never been the same
Screen 6 said:
Soon the world will not be the same.

I like the adage "If it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck, then it's probably a duck."

The author is, at the least, extremely misleading. According to this NY Times article there are many, many inaccuracies. USC Title 26 is the law that says we have to pay taxes. Out of coincidence Title 26 is titled "Internal Revenue Code." Of course, Mr. Russo denies that Title 26 is a law passed by the US Congress. Mr. Russo also says that the 16th Amendment was never properly ratified.

Oh, also keep in mind that Mr. Russo created this film after he owed over $2 million in taxes.

After reading the title and watching the first 30 secs, I figured it was crap. After an additional 5 minutes of research, I learned that I was right.

This stuff is crap. And if you want to be "open minded" and waste your time watching it, go right ahead. There are some 9-11 conspiracy videos you might want to watch when you are done.


Registered User
Federal Reserve

The Fed was founded in 1913, the value of the dollar has fallen since to 4% of what is worth then. Why does that matter? Who here is still making 1913 wages? Or using 1913 dollars? You missing out on 1913 appliances? Or a car? Show me a currency that was around then, like the Pound Sterling, that has kept its value. And let me know how well we did with the ups and downs in the economy before the fed was founded, not so well at times (look up the Panic of 1893). And the gold standard, it really helped us out during the Depression, didn't it? Open a history book and read it.


I am glad you know the the history on the Fed but you act as though the Fed has not taken the other 96% of the what the dollar was worth, from our pocket no less. That is a hidden tax that most people really do not understand. The gold standard was abolished only because the government could not stop printing excess money.
Secondly, the very reason that the depression was so bad was because the central banks refused to be the "lender of last resort" to small banks, which was the precise reason they were formed. Long term depressions and recessions are experienced ONLY with fiat money. Ben Bernanke opening told the US that the FED was responsible for the havoc of the great depression. Greenspan fought for a gold standard before becoming chairman.
Bottom line is that the FED is a way to gain interest on money lended to the Federal Government... where we, the tax payer, pick up the bill.


Registered User
I read on some other forums that Ron Paul has accepted money from white supremacist groups and hasn't given the money back to them or made an effort to distance himself rom them despite repeated attempts to do so....anyone know if this is true?

I love the idea of getting rid of the IRS and a good deal of that alphabet soup of gov't agencies, but I mean there are some things we just couldn't get rid of right now, or that would be necessary evils, and slashing 80% of military spending is IMO a total complete no-no.


Registered User
I read on some other forums that Ron Paul has accepted money from white supremacist groups and hasn't given the money back to them or made an effort to distance himself rom them despite repeated attempts to do so....anyone know if this is true?

I love the idea of getting rid of the IRS and a good deal of that alphabet soup of gov't agencies, but I mean there are some things we just couldn't get rid of right now, or that would be necessary evils, and slashing 80% of military spending is IMO a total complete no-no.

Yes he has taken money from a white supremacy group but for one he does not see how he should check all 30000 donations and on Meet the Press he said that it will be to their disadvantage because he will use the money for exactly opposite the view of the group.

On the military thing, I think he has only stated that he wants to get rid of all our bases outside the US, not CUT 80% of military spending.