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Scholarships for ROTC


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
I remember that survey and putting that the Navy would have to pay me a ridiculous amount in order to convince me to major in engineering. Maybe something to the tune of 2K? Stabbing myself in the face seems like a better idea than that.


Registered User
I'm a 4/C MIDN and I switched my major from Mechanical Engineering to History and Spanish. No one here made a big deal about it and I heard nothing about losing my scholarship or any other negative consequences.


I'm talkin, G-5...!
I'm a 3/C non-tech major, but still got a retro-active 3-yr last semester - so did a couple other guys in my class.

I can understand the Navy's interest in tech majors, but I still think there's a little too much emphasis on it. There are a lot of awesome leaders out there that were never very technical; inversley, there are also a fair number of tech majors who seriously lack leadership ability.


Misplaced emphasis

This thread seems to have run its course and is now probably comatose. So I'll add my two cents to this discussion. The Navy's passion for tech majors was, is, and will be misplaced. It's just not that necessary. Some minimum number of lower division college calculus, chemistry or physics courses will get you through a full Navy career with no problem. Good leaders come from all academic majors.
One must wonder why all the apparent pressure and emphasis on NROTC mids to be tech majors when there is no equivalent pressure on USNA mids. In fact, the USNA actually has it right here. They award Bachelor of Science Degrees in History. Seems like an oxymoron but it's true. The NROTC should simply lay off mids and let them select from majors roughly the same as those offered at the USNA. For the non-tech major types, the NROTC should simply expect they complete either a science, math, or language minor.
The Navy may be full of technology but frankly, all of it is designed for the average person to be able operate. Look, if naval aviators can be nuclear carrier skippers, then no NROTC mid should have any misgivings about their major.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
The Navy may be full of technology but frankly, all of it is designed for the average person to be able operate. Look, if naval aviators can be nuclear carrier skippers, then no NROTC mid should have any misgivings about their major.
I disagree that our technology is designed for the average person to operate. However the Navy will teach you everything you need to know, technologically speaking, to do your job.


I disagree that our technology is designed for the average person to operate. However the Navy will teach you everything you need to know, technologically speaking, to do your job.

Super true, the Navy only expects you to be smarter than a MAC user.:D